Sunday, April 30, 2006
(This is going to be like the award ceremony where you thank everyone >.<)
First of all, the people whom i'm closest to, the people who, i've spent 3/4 of my time with them.
Tanya - Thanks for always being there for me, understanding me so well, cheering me on to bounce back whenever i lose my sense of direction in life. The times we spent laughing together, talking about anything, crapping everytime, times that i would never forget, you made a difference in my life. I knew there was always someone i could go to whenever i had troubles, and let them all out, to feel much better afterwards. I can never thank you enough.
Sally - Although we weren't that close in sec 1, i remembered times when we would quarrel over small matters, times that i would "over-joke", times that we shared together, times well spent with you. We quarrelled, we laughed, we cried, we were always there for each other rain or shine.
Sylvia - Being with me almost my whole school life. Crapping and laughing like mad. Talked about guys to girls to les to gays. You making monkey, pig, donkey faces that makes you look even stupider, never fails to make me laugh.
Chu Yi - Being the baby among all of us, the one who makes people laugh. Times when we would misunderstand, but always forgave. Times when i would bully you, and you let me. Learn to stand up for yourself! Don't let me bully you so much! And of course, bringing a smile to my face with your bubbly self, whenever i'm with you.
Wynne - I don't know what happened and resulted in the drift among us. But i definitely remembered the times we spent together, having fun, laughing, eating and every other little things that seemed so minor but made differences.
Kai Ling - I would say i wasn't that close to you among the SLANTTERS, but of course, i would love to thank you as a friend, food you brought for us, remembering us. Remembering me, the chocolate lover.
Ruby - We've known each other barely 4 months, coming five. But we've definitely established a good friendship for a start. Hope it will continue to grow and deepen. We know it will.
Shu Yin/Wei Di/Elaina/Jia Xin - We crapped so much till i never knew there was this word 'crap' existed. I would definitely love to continue to build this friendship and grow together as good friends.
2/7 - The class i've spent with from a lost and innocent Sec 1 student. You guys brought me on track and continued life like never before. Times we spent together; just one word : unforgettable.
ZEST - The team that was always there. The bonds we shared. The trainings we've been through to be where we are today. The never ending "jia-yous" to spur each other on to perservere. The joy and tears we shared, the fear we had before each game played, the times we would feel dejected for letting our coach, our 2nd mom, Mrs Tan, down. Ms Teo a.k.a the monkey, sacrificing her precious time to watch our games, to coach us, for putting in effort to making this team stronger. Mrs Tan, spending so much and effort to build us, her time and heart in believing that we can do it. Never once did she gave up hope on us, only to look forward and proving that we can and we will be able to strive hard as a team.
SGSkaters - Skate khakis, the ones who would teach me, guide me, and build my burning passion to learn more and improve. No skate = No me.
6/3 '04 (Sze Xuan, Yuing Wei, Yi Shyuan, Shanna, Yi Ting, Fang Ting, Yu Kai, Tan Jin, Nat, Brandon, Leon, Tay Wei Bin, Hong Kiat, Eeron, Xiang Yang, Gerald and our form teachers Chen Lao Shi and Mrs Tan*previously miss Ee) - How can i ever forget you guys. Times we spent together were valuable now that we are all apart. Graduated together, learning that we would be seperated after PSLE. However believing that this friendships we had built upon would still continue and grow.
And of course last but not least, my parents.
Oh, i don't think that's necessary since they don't read this anyway. Ha! But of course my actions and everything could prove this.
I love you guys who have made such a huge difference in my life!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
It was the 1st day being an official Secondary one student at TKGS.
It was raining heavily. I overslept. I was late for school, for the first day. I could have been booked, but the person who approached me was Mdm Khoo, asking me what class i was from. At that time, i didn't even had any idea what class i was going into. She said "Being the first day of school, and you are new to the school, i shall let you off." I was extremely scared. Being in un unfamiliar surrounding, i had no idea where the classrooms were. Mdm Khoo directed me and told me it was on the second floor on the left, the first classroom. I was sort of trembling, because i seemed so lost and all. Then i walked into the classroom, everyone stared at me like i was some freak, because i knew no one at all!
I remember going to some empty seats left at the front. Smiled at the people around me... they smiled back. Everyone seemed so shy.
During the first few weeks in school, i didn't really got close to anyone yet. And i slowly hated going to school, i dreaded school. I didn't have any friends! That was nearly until the 3rd or 4th month, did i start warming up with everyone. The school was totally different. Maybe i took quite a while to settle down in a new environment. Being in a chinese school for the past six years in Primary School, really made a lot of difference being in an English School right now. Plus, it was an all girls' school. Took some time to settle in, wasn't too used to the quietness and good behaviour of all the girls. Guys would usually be the noisy and more naughty ones.
I totally slacked off during the entire year of Sec 1! I remembered in every class, i wouldn't pay attention at all. And yes, if i did not remember wrongly, i laughed the most in class. I laughed the most, the loudest. I was known to be VERY irritating? and joker at same time. One incident i could never forget. As usual, i'm not the kind of person who really liked trainee teachers, so when we had one. I started being playful. I didn't know i was so daring at that time too. I actually went to open 3 umbrellas in class while she was teaching. It was hilarious! I actually seriously wondered why i was so funny last time. I laughed at everything -.-'' Everything seemed like a joke to me. GOSH! That's so stupid!
Slowly, our class started having cliques and we drifted apart as a class. It was like the different races got together. The Chinese went with chinese, the malays with the other malays etc. We used to snatch for the swing every recess at the void deck! Sec 1s were so fascinated by the swings in the school.
However, now, i hardly ever go to the swing already.
The past experiences and all, made me realised we have actually grown a lot, mature physically and most importantly, mentally.
And i regretted not working hard for sec 1!!!! Ahh, slap me please.
Er no, corrections, only i have the priviledge and authority to slap myself.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
You Are Sunrise |
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
Alright, so we went chilling out at Elaina's house,watching movies and stuffs. Then we headed to East Coast to skate. Shu Yin was whining so much! She said she was so scared of falling O.o And the next moment, she was claiming that she's a pro -.-'' How contradicting! Oh well, we all know that Shu Yin is NOOb as she is.
Argh! Im so sorry, i don't know how else to blog. Like it's so bored to say what i did. Hahah.
Man! after that went skating at the rink...started raining, headed to esplanade. Came out with a new esplanade combo, since there was the ECP combo. Can't wait to learn and grasp what i've learnt! I've FINALLY gotten the moves right for ecp combo. Haha, like YAY -.-
Have to study hard for coming tests! wish me luck!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Botanical Gardens

BAH!!! too many to upload. Im tired of uploading them. Interested in more? check them out here :
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Can't you see it?
Been going to Studio Cafe quite a lot everyday. Chilling out there but the drums aren't there anymore! However there's still the guitars! Yup, now we have the dare or die game going on there. Doing stupid stuffs, licking people..kissing people...making a fool of ourselves there. It's so fun! Of course im a fool, so ya! Plus stroking Shu Yin trend... -.-'''
Sorry girl, i'm straight and totally not gross. =D However, i know you are interested in me... aww well!!!! =P
There's so many tests coming up again! The tests frenzy, then studying really hard and all, and there's a significant drop in all my results. Fluactuating?? what they call it. Perhaps term 1 it was better, then a drop in term 2, then me, bucking up again in term 3. Self discipline!
We performed out Lit Poem was SO FUNNY. And, it wasn't supposed to be funny at all -.-''I'm so sorry! Gosh!!!!! "You must come, to my master..." became "Come to me!" in Indian accent. OH MY! Crap lah! Hope i don't pull the group down so much, and everyone was laughing like -insertwordhere- Super funny! i couldn't stop laughing after that. :\
Sunday, April 16, 2006
My camera went "snap snap snap" as i went past the houses.
Interested? Have a look here...
The kinda houses i searched for ranges, as you all know yup. I'm very interested in such stuffs, especially the interior design of the houses, BUT oh well, i did not know whether i could snap pictures inside... so yeah, only managed to capture the exterior of it.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Pictures tell a thousand words....
Yu Kai and me, LOOK at the difference >.<
Wawa and me
The beautful sun setting...
The PIG FACE! its copyrighted!
She PAI-SEH and looked away after showing the pig side of her >.<
WHAT MORE CAN I SAY!??! She "shitted" all over her white pants and new shoes XD
Haha, look, we played since the sun was still in the sky, till it darkened till like don't know what. Bats flying at head level and all, screams heard, people FALLING off their bikes(who ah!!!), people breaking the seats of their bikes :\... loads more. It was definitely a fun time spent at ECP with unforgettable frens, Sze Xuan, Yuing Wei, Yu Kai, Tan Jin... =)
After that, i went on with the SGSkaters/Inline Culture chalet. It was as much fun, been a longgg time since i skated so much again!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
This post is just pictures' time, since this blog is so lacking of pictures.
Although Sylvia will be 'killing' me, but yeah, those pictures are starring sylvia and chu yi when we were just chilling out and having fun in my house.

The hungry girl, 'fatty', eating guiltily, cause she's so fat already.
Chu and Sylvia trying to act cute, although i think chu looks naturally cute while sylvia looks like -insertwordhere-
I think we could put a cockcroach in Sylvia's mouth, *shh!!
The big eyes are opened! while sylvia's teeth contrasts greatly with her face.
Oh my, look at her hair! Done proudly by jaccy! the chiobu of course, now where's the copyrighted sign..!
Haha, as you can see, she's trying to murder the camerawoman with the evil spas smile. Better stop taking her already!
Alright, last pic of her trying to act angry with me or more like the "hmph!"
I thought she was gonna kiss me =(
Trying to smile smile smile! =D
Ok, it seems like she cannot take me anymore cause i'm so so funny and cute.
She doesn't know i took this, so yeah, just shhhh! =D
OOoops, she realised i was snapping at her ass, so she started shaking and shaking it XD
Oh my, don't scare me!
Memories that will last~
Monday, April 10, 2006
Wanna highlight again from what i had blogged before in my previous post, every day is a new day to start afresh, a new moment to build and shape yourself to be a better person. So ZEST, we shouldn't be feeling sad at all, but in fact look forward to the times we will definitely have fun together. Start treasuring every moment in our every day life, because once its over, its never coming back. It's the moments and memories that counts, not just any title we get. ALRIGHT ZESTY !
SO, the big question in the papers, what would become of teenagers when it comes to choosing of jobs in the society? Follow the traditional mindset of parents that all kids should become great doctors or lawyers, or jobs that have high pay, so that they would have a very bright future? There's just too many different opinions when it comes to this. Personally, i should and i am very thankful, that i don't have such typical traditional parents. I'm given the freedom to decide my own decisions, to pursue my dreams. Where do i see myself 10 years later? I hope to be able to pursue my studies and major in interior designing. Common? I do not know. However, i haven't heard of much, or can i say, none at all, at this age,14, interested in interior designing. So i'm supposed to feel unique eh... haha.
Well, i started having this interest about 2-3 years back. It wasn't that much of a burning passion that i had. However, i loved viewing open houses, looking at the different interior designing of architectural designers. The types of houses that i view really ranges. I've seen from HUDC to a bungalow, to old houses, to new, to modern, to traditional. Practically many kinds. Unbelievable, but still believe it, i had a part in designing the current house i'm staying in, and of course, i'm proud to say that. HAHA. >.<
When it came to the main structure of how everything looked like, i contributed ideas, to when the 'skeleton of the house' was done and the interior part. Went searching for many different tiles, the flooring and all, can say that i've learnt a lot throughout this process. I learnt about windows, those that reflect light, retains heat, reduce heat. The different kinds of doors, the quality of every single equipment and everything. Seriously, there's so much more to learn. I've basically watched how the whole house was built. From a bare flat land up to the main structure and all. Rare to see a 12 year old doing that huh. That was 2 years ago yup. The pay nowadays for designers are getting better. The society is lacking of such designers, rather be something that society lacks than the society norms. WIsh me well, i can do it! =D
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Trying to make an effort to go swim every week. So far my highest record stands at 40 laps of the standard olympic size pool. So that should be about 2km. Not that bad... trying to beat that record with lesser time. So far.....----->NOT YET!
Heh heh...
Started not quite long ago, watching Fullmetal Alchemist, not quite bad an anime. I always thought anime were kids' cartoons and the storyline to be very simple, but this thinking can be quite wrong... HA! >.<
Schooling can be quite fun come to think of it, even though it's the streaming year, and everyone is supposed to be studying like crazy. However, it doesn't feel as stressful as i thought it would be. Perhaps, it might be a bad/good thing. Bad that i don't feel nervous nor the urge to study harder. Good that i'm actually studying and enjoying it all the i don't feel the stress.
Can anyone send me some guitar tabs of new/popular songs? Trying to learn a variety on a classical guitar, i would appreciate it alot!
Guess how long have i not skated? guess...guess....guess...
I HAVE NO IDEA MYSELF either.. But it feels like a very long time since i've touched my skate, or even slalomed. Need some inspiration to move this lazy ass of mine to go skate. I miss skating! I miss the holidays(though it can be dreaded sometimes because it's too boring; however i get to skate more often)!
Shall update again once i get some inspiration to blog about something, cause i'm kinda losing inspiration already! Haha, that can prove how boring my life is... aw well!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I've not got any inspiration to blog about any inspirational posts. Oh well. Sometimes my mind wander off to somewhere else, and i'm not thinking on the right track, nor in the right state of mind, and sooner or later that leads to... ----> CRAZINESS.
Laughter makes a person so young and lively. That's what making me. I'm young, and enjoying my youth! Sometimes, i just wanna be older, so people will just understand the intentions of what i'm doing. But sometimes, everything just seem so perfect. But there's no such thing as perfect in this world. Haha. So i really wonder why there are perfectionists are there in the world, when it's IMPOSSIBLE for a normal living human to be perfect. Everyone should just loosen up and enjoy their life instead of being so serious all the time(of course there's times to be serious)!
Jaccy = laughing = chio = cute
what a nice equation! =DD
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jaccy!
1.Fifty-two percent of Americans drink Jaccy.
2.The average duration of sexual intercourse for Jaccy is two minutes.
3.The word 'samba' means 'to rub Jaccy'.
4.There are more than two hundred different kinds of Jaccy!
5.Jaccy is worth her weight in gold - literally.
6.Early thermometers were filled with Jaccy instead of mercury!
7.If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Jaccy.
8.A Jaccyometer is used to measure Jaccy!
9.Ancient Greeks believed earthquakes were caused by Jaccy fighting underground!
10.Europe is the only continent that lacks Jaccy.