Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I'm very envious always having to see photographers carrying their dua dua jia cams around. Eye candy ar. Tsk tsk...
It's a whole new and different experience from the ordinary Point and Shoot (PnS) cams i always play with. The particular thing i loved about the DSLR cam was its fast shutter speed. It is very precise as compared to PnS cams. Back then, when i went around taking pictures with my PnS cam, i had to estimate the time to press the shutter, anticipate that particular moment. And yesterday, while playing with the DSLR, it was sooo precise that i didn't have to estimate at all, the moment just appear and i just have to press the button and it gets captured. Ah, so cool! :D
Nevertheless, although a dream had came true, it also came along with a very jinxed day. Very. very. very. jinxed day okay.
First, i feel quite stupid enough to not even know what buses get to Serangoon MRT, and i've already stayed there for more than a year or 2. Not to be fully blamed cos' i always frequent Paya Lebar's one. So i had to walk a very long way to the mrt after alighting at a wrong stop. And then, met up with Crappy*. Supposed to find Peninsula Plaza, or so we thought it was, ended up not being able to find the shop. Then realised that it was Peninsula Shopping Centre. -.-'''
After all that getting lost in a small area, headed for dinner. Ha! 好戏在后头!
After dinner, Crappy* and i decided to urban from Funan to Somerset Skate Park. And the thing i felt soooo great was that i stupidly allowed Crappy* to confuse all my thoughts and instincts of the directions to the skate park. We went a whole detour towards Kallang. Getting further and further away from town area. Crappy* didn't exactly felt all that comfortable having to skate with his chao-heavy-small-wheeled aggros, and carrying all that heavy DSLR cam. xD So half the time he was skating like a complete idiotic noob. And most of the time i was laughing my ass off at him. So much for listening to an idiot, we made a detour and lost our way. My first time getting lost in town area!! I've skated there a million dozen times but suddenly everything looked so unfamiliar. Gosh. Must be Crappy's* evil doings and negative energy. And the swayest thing was, every traffic light we came upon, it turned red man once we reached there!!
That's not all! We finally found the skate park, saw the same aggro-ers we saw previously. They are guys who look matured enough, but behaved like Primary School kids when they are around a girl. Exasperating.
Marked one side of the ground to slalom, and those guys, dunno' if it was accidental and on purpose, they had the whole big place to sit, 偏偏 go sit beside the cones. Anyway, Crappy* went to buy drinks, and the idiot spilt the sweet drink on my bag. GREAT job man. As if he hasn't created enough trouble.
Boys will always be boys, not until they come out from NS. But of course, that doesn't apply to everyone.
So what i can say man? Great day for having played with a DSLR cam for the first time? Or sucky day having to be jinxed by a jinx. Tsk tsk...
*Name has been changed to protect his identity
Monday, October 30, 2006
I. give. up.
No one seems to understand, it's just right there, but we're all going round in circles. For who? For what?
For myself? To get everything back and yet, slowly kill myself in the process? Since nothing else works, i have no idea about anything now.
We're all selfish people... come on.
We'll all live our own lives and move on. Be happy, that's all i ever wanted. We don't need a parasite to feed on our already very troubled lives.
The war is just starting only...
Gear up for the big battle cos' i'm gonna be needing all the energy and will power i've ever had in my entire life.
From the start, i'm just like a mediator. A useless mediator, i suppose, since nothing's changed right from the start. Sharing the role of a little ball that's been recklessly thrown and played around with. Even mediators need a break, so does a little ball. When can we finally settle down... i really, really, really crave for that hope of a better, happier, loving life...where all just truly love and care for each other and nothing else... I want the warmth of a cosy home, the love from who's left; not a big house filled with void and emptiness.
Screw the financial problems, why is it such a big thing?
I've made do with less one love(or was there any in the first place...i've always doubted), and i know i'll always treasure what's left for me.
Don't worry. I'm still the special me, just, a much stronger one on the inside. I still have faith and believe that all's not lost. Nothing's lost, they are just changing.

If only our minds never change and remind as childish or naive, then maybe there wouldn't be so much problems, so much conflicts, so much polictics to deal with.
Actually till these days, parents still favour certain kids. Let's say if there's 2 kids in a family, there's bound to be one of them getting more love from either parent. At least, that's what i noticed. But, it's actually ok la. At least got someone care better than no care at all right? Heh. Nothing to be jealous about if you are experiencing this.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
My blog attracted 4 times its usual amount of people from Technorati search.
No wonder she was the top 3 hottest search on Technorati. Wakaka...
Now again, problems settled, people's moods are getting better, (so i hope people treats me better xD) Hope we're all heading in the right direction. If not....
I also don't wanna think of the consequences.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Out of 10 blogs i've read about their views on the 18-year-old, 9 share different points of views. Some support her doings, some shoot the government, some shoot Derek, some shoot her dad who's a MP. Whatever it is, they are just personal opinions. Maybe the case has been so big because
- She's from RJC
- Her dad's a MP
- Netizens just can't give it a miss
Then again, i don't understand why people are criticising her for the insensitivity of the usage of her language. Shouldn't they be rectifying the problems that are stated? Or are they just speculations? If she didn't use words to degrade Derek, maybe it would be less one thing to shoot at her. Sway sway also, i think maybe cos' it's the fact that her dad's an MP that's why it's such a big hit. What if it's something posted by me? A nobody. I bet no one would give a damn anyways. Cos' at the end of the day, they are just my opinions.
It's quite unfair for the 18-year-old that she's prejudiced, and that her dad did not bring her up well. So are we all right to say all children of MPs are supposed to be angels flying around, helping everyone, because we reflect what our papa mama MPs have taught us? Must be guai guai, smart, go good Us graduate with masters, PhDs, then they can be qualified as good MPs' kids. We are all human, with only a brain. MPs don't have 2 brains, neither were they born to be geniuses.
I think we are all allowed to make mistakes in this world, it's a matter of being corrected and learning from them. But sadly enough, it's a reality that people with higher statuses are supposed to be showing certain standards that are better than the general public; if not, they kena shoot left, right and center.
Fair or not? I doubt so.
Well, thing is,
You guys are missing me for the times i 乱摸 people, times i stroked that babyduck, times i whacked/poked asses and -censored-, and all the nonsense i spouted, weewee queen, chiobu(at least this is good :D), biantai queen -.-, BAH! There's so many other qualities i have that you guys can remember me for,but not these! Wa lao... xD
Thursday, October 26, 2006
What is counted as learning something?
That might be the very first thing that hit our mind. But no, it isn't all about studying. It also doesn't include taking courses/lessons etc. We don't have to be in a certain course to be learning. Just by doing what we do on a daily basis, we, are actually already learning.
Not saying that i am not kiasu; but everyone else are, we tend to think that we only learn something if someone teaches us. So we go sign up for all the extra lessons and whatnots.
A typical kid these days, have their schedule packed with piano/violin/art/drawing/ballet/singing lessons. And if they get so routined to their schedule, they'll feel like they aren't learning anything new once they go for a break. This is the case for the more enthusiastic learners who are really keen in learning these stuffs. I think it's pretty sad they forget the word, "fun" actually exists.
We learn through having fun too. We learn to run faster when we play catching. Our reflexes improve. We learn to sweat it all out and keep our mind and physical-self active by playing sports. Oh yes, we learn to have FUN.
So what's your learning journey so far? =D
I've definitely learnt to play with people, learnt how to eat good food, learnt to forget the stupid headache i have 24/7, learnt that i'm an extraordinary girl, learnt that i have a good life, learnt that my good life isn't gonna last long, learnt that money isn't everything, learnt that people will start leaving my life, learnt to let go, learnt to forgive, learnt to be positive, and finally, learnt to be.. just me. Right.
I'm so naive; or maybe... i'm just not ready, or perhaps, it's just false beliefs. Whatever it is, i'm confused.
Cest la vie~
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Thing is, after he had committed suicide, and after investigations, they realised the cause of it, and how the family could not cope with their finances.
With donations from the public, they managed to raise half a million for the family.
Imagine that amount of money can do for the family. One thing's for sure that Singaporeans are definitely a buncha kind-hearted people. But, why do we only realise after a tragedy has happened. Isn't it too late? Half a million for a life. Sigh~
And there we have immature spoilt brats complaining about not getting what they want or wish to have...
I give up man, let nature takes its course... i guess it's all fated. How much can a little girl do to change something? Hmmm...
The person forgives, but the mind never forgets.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Thanks so much for trying to rub it in.
Why do i always get picked on all the small little details. When i do something, i get criticised, when i don't do something, i get criticised again. Please, tell me, what am i supposed to do? Times when we're good, no one remembers, and yet when we're bad, we're always remembered. Maybe someday, i will be more understood, and more appreciated.
Today's food n' urban skate was pretty fun. I guess it's the presence that matters. We might be doing all the same things, but with people who share the same mindset, definitely makes a huge difference.
And Singapore's makan, really. It's an endless cycle. I'm always craving for something else. Muwahaha!~
Friday, October 20, 2006
It's as if i'm just hanging somewhere, in between not being accepted into anywhere. Too old for my age and too young for the older ones.
I've tried to drop to lower levels, notice, i tried. But can't. I just cannot accept it. And then, the old ones, ha! Age discrimination. Damn pek chek being me. Yes, have fun, mindless fun, childish fun... we're all there for each other in all the happy times. When difficult times come by, the whole situation changes drastically. It's as if the bond we once shared, breaks off just like that.
Dilema... dilema.
NAH! Of course i will continue being just the way i love myself to be. My mind is great, and my personality is unique. Accept me just the way i am and i will definitely love you inside outtt!
Not that i don't have good friends around me; i do observe, it's totally different when care and concern comes from a true friend. The sincerity is present. It's strong and deep, a feeling it is.
But, it's rare.
Many things i've said before, not many have understood the meanings of it yet. It may seem all crap and shit right now, maybe once we all grow up and look back. "Hey, why didn't i understand this whole thing earlier? Maybe i wouldn't need to suffer so much right now, if i did..." By then, it'd be tooooo damn late to regret.
And another thing, i've been experiencing for a longgggg time.
Notice guys always say sweet nothings for the first few period of time when they just got to know new friends (particularly to the opposite gender). They act as if they are so damn bloody concerned about our welfare and shit, but no, after a week or 2, at the very most, they start turning ugly once you don't give in to them. Maybe it's the pride they have, maybe they can't accept losing, but, is that a very good way in dealing with inter-personal relationships? Their PR skills sucks lar!~ Why some people understand and learn faster than others. While some always remain down there, being a 井底之蛙,acting like they know everything.
Give me a break man~ Come on, we need stronger personalities out there, not wimps!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Final Year
I'm so looking forward to the next year to working even harder and proving myself wrong. But first, i've gotta get through to the selections for subject combinations, hoping to get my first choice:
- English
- A and E Maths
- Pure Chem, pure Physics
- Pure History
- Compulsory SS
- Elective Lit. OR Geog.
But still have yet to figure out the 2 of my other options. Though i'm not hoping to get anywhere very far as yet with my mediocre results, (blame the school for their high standard xD; or, i'm just not coping up very well).
Heh, but who knows? I can foresee that 2007 would be a very difficult year for me. Loads of studying; studying much harder, plus pursuing my interest in ID. Like i said before, it would be great if both sides have a smooth sailing journey for me; BUT, obviously that's near to impossible so i'm not pinning high hopes that it would be one.
But i'm definitely all geared up and ready to face new challenges in the new year! Muahahaha! =D

Credits -
Picture taken from www.comptechusa.com
On a side note, though i'm still very optimistic about it, i still feel very bad that i've let down so many people around me, oh well... i'm so gonna prove to everyone else that i won't be stuck at that level. =)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Family Reunion
And now, look at what it has become. Though the situation ain't that bad, but it definitely isn't as heartwarming as it was. The topics we teens talk about has changed drastically. The older ones are talking about jobs, the younger ones, about studies. We're drifting apart day by day, maybe not so much for us kids, but more for the adults.
Conflicts, quarrells, gossips and jealousy has been pretty much a great deal these days. Though it isn't obvious that they show it written all over their faces, but the cold atmosphere can be felt.
It's the adults' problems, but somehow kids are interfered in someway or another that we tend to be biased to the other party. It seems that $ money $, has a big role to play in causing all this unhappiness. A small amount of $ can cause a big tiff and then, the once strong relationship they shared all breaks aparts. Pretty sad lar.
Does money really play such a big part? Is it that important?
Perhaps it's easy for me to say, that i'd choose happiness over money any time now... but who really understands? Hmmm...
Monday, October 16, 2006
Along the way, i discovered a new side of me. A feeling that i've never had before, and i think a belief is building upon that. Sometimes, i try hard to convince myself that beliefs ain't a good thing, but i just can't. That's for having too strong a girl's personality.
Oh well, once again, i'd like to remind everybody out there that i do things for the better of my own well being. I compete actively, with myself. So, don't try to push the limit.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
That's why lah. We're too smart for ourselves that we don't even realise that.
In the end, it's we, who suffer and no one else. Everytime think we're very smart, but actually we're the dumbest. It sounds so contradicting, but in reality it has happened, and is still happening.
Maybe it's time to wake up. But i think this vicious cycle will still continue generations after generations.
On a side note, i remember reading from somewhere about having lesser biased thoughts and looking at things with an open mind to learn to love this world. It's something along this line... but that was created by me. Haha!
Well, girls are creatures in this Earth that constantly craves for more. So, is that why we never seem to be very contented? We wish for the guy to be able to provide us, and yet, once we have all the materials we yearn for, we lose the very main thing, and that is, the guy himself. And then again, some have the guy himself, but we seem to have lost his 'soul'. It's like, physically, he's there. But in our hearts, there's just an emptiness in us. Are girls really that difficult to handle huh. It's very rare to actually find some guy who understands girls really well. Psychologists? Maybe, and maybe not.
Come on lar girls, we don't have to degrade ourselves to such low status to get what we want, why not achieve with what we've got and just be contented.
And guys don't take girls for granted and come up with excuses to blame everyone else but yourself. This sounds so sexist, but, that's also why there's 2 different genders in this Earth ma. xD
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Taken from Sally's blog:
One of the many quizzes that she was doing;
*Of all your friends...*
The best advisor: JAC!
Thanks, i appreciated that for looking up to me.
The dirtiest mind:JAC!
I've said so many times that i'm a sweet little angel!
Monday, October 09, 2006
His posts are always very entertaining and knowledgable, yes, i do get laughs from it time to time.
However, i'm still quite surprised that not much people have heard about him in Singapore; or perhaps, it's just a coincidental that i've rarely met anyone who frequents his blog. He's supposedly more famous in Singapore than back in his hometown. His most recent post dated 9th Oct. made me actually laughed out LOUD.
"Placed at the "palm" of the "left hand" is the world's largest fountain - water representing life and wealth. The ring-shaped structure of the fountain is essential in "retaining" the water. Without it, water (and thus, wealth) flows out through the fingers.
It's a pretty impressive concept having Suntec City resemble a left hand. If it were up to me, I would have built a similar "left hand" in Kuching. Except it'll have four short buildings and one tall building in the middle, pointing towards Indonesia saying "OI! Thanks A LOT for giving us the haze, buddy!"
Ok, it's finally, YES! FINALLY, it's the LAST day of the final years' papers. And guess what, no, it's pretty damn obvious, that it's time to HAVE FUN and HAVE EVEN MORE FUN =D I'm very sure to be stuffing my schedule with:
"eat; sleep; skate; shit; KTV; sleep; and sleep more like i've never slept so much in my entire life before."
Sunday, October 08, 2006
In conjuction with the Chinese, 八月十五, (中秋节) Mid Autumn Festival, we, skaters, didn't leave out the celebrations in the skating rink! To start off the mood and atmosphere, one of the skaters brought an extra HUGE lantern around and skated all over the place. =D Not long, we lighted up more ordinary-sized lanterns and skated around with it. Although the objective was to purposely burn up your friend's lantern, but that didn't happen. xD Then, the highlight of the event!
A few of us tied sparklers onto the frames of our skates and lighted them, and we chiong-ed down to do powerslide. It was superrr nice! Everyone were laughing heartily. Eh wait, maybe it was only me xD i was super high okay! Laughing and screaming like some siao gina there. Wahahaha~
It's like going back to childhood times where we played with the lanterns and stuffs like that!
It's gonna be very memorable for me! =D
One of the downside of the whole thing was the damned haze that was persistently strong throughout the noon and into the night. My lungs are doubly dirty right now, probably my eyes too. xD
Oh, on a side note, yes i definitely am very honoured to live up to this reputation, my dear friends, Tantantan, Sylvia, Sally.
"Craziest friend: jaccy, hands down."
"Craziest friend: JAC! see, even sally agrees!"
"Craziest friend: jac :DDD"
Thursday, October 05, 2006
"Friendship is an indispensable aid in framing for ourselves the higher moral life; if not itself a virtue, it is at least associated with virtue, and it proves itself of service in almost all conditions of our existence. Such results, however, are to be derived not from the worldly friendships of utility or pleasure, but only from those which are founded on virtue. The true friend is in fact a second self, and the true moral value of friendship lies in the fact that the friend presents to us a mirror of good actions, and so intensifies our consciousness and our appreciation of life."
As i was on the topic about friends back then, i came across this very meaningful philosophy from one of the greatest philosophers around, Aristotle.
The result i got from the definition of friendship from dictionary.com
- The quality or condition of being friends.
There's more than just the quality or condition of being friends. There's a deeper meaning behind it. Of course, the dictionary, does not explain the word explicitly.
To me, 'friend' is a very subjective term. I can meet any strangers out there, and be friends. Hey, why not? It's as easy as that.
What i want to highlight is -- A true friend.
Friends are definitely an indispensable aid in framing for ourselves the higher moral life. However, we have to know that friends DO come and go. We cannot hold onto them for a long period of time. There are cases where true friendships do exist and last for a really long period, that i'd call, surpassing the test of everything. It's testing the level of trust and faith you have in the certain friend. Testing the amount of patience and tolerance, testing, the meaning of life. It's very perceptive. What i perceive may not be what you perceive here. A true friend is someone that is very different to individuals.
Personally, i might or might not say i have met true friends. Perhaps, there's still a long way to go. Currently, everything is alright therefore nothing is really put to test. How much a person really values the other is still unknown. Sometimes, big bangs happen. That's when you suffer, but that's also when you realise and notice the outstanding people who are there for you. In life, we always sacrifice. Friends sacrificial. How much are you willing to sacrifice for a true friend? We are happy with the presence of our friends. But are they only there when times are good? What happens when something terrible happens? Will friends leave you for some stupid reasons that they might regret for their entire life?
Being young as i am, open-mindedness has been the top piority. Why? There's still many things in life that i've yet to experience. Closing my mind and settling my beliefs is as good as crushing my future, a future, that i've yet to see... hear and feel. From younger days, i realised that i can't even remember any of my kindergarden best friends. We moved on in life, we lost contact. Yet the memories we shared together are etched in my mind and heart. Best Friends forever. That was a common term used in Primary School. We start treasuring good friends. After the graduation from PSLE, we still parted our ways. Best Friends forever? Not anymore.
People come and go in our life. We might forget their names, but we don't forget the faces. We don't forget the times we had. We don't forget our childhood. Well, unless, we lose our memory, that is.
Friends are friends when you feel best, and best of yourself when you're around them. You say anything without feeling stupid, even so, you'll just laugh it off as a joke. Sometimes, we are unsure if our friends are really true to us. How i mean by true? They may be acting as if they cared, but no. When something happens, true colours show. Some colours are beautiful, yet some are so horrifiying that we start losing faith. Losing the faith in believing that friends are true and lasting. Maybe lasting isn't the best word, because it ain't a product where there's wear and tear. Hey, but... through times, the 'product' goes through the many, challenges, i would say, experience wear and tear, yet remains strong and everlasting. True friends are hard to come by. We always do not treasure what is left, only to remorse when something is lost.
Friends is something that is not judged by the quantity, but the quality. Many people have the misunderstanding that it's 'the more the merrier'. No, it isn't. The quality is what counts. I would rather have A true friend than 100 -so called- friends. There's certainly a difference. A difference in my life, at least. Last but not least, let me praise Aristotle for his existence and contributions to this world once again.

It's been very disturbing to breathe in with the burnt smell present in the air. This reminds me of the time when i was in Genting. The only difference was Genting's air was cooling and refreshing, whilst the air that we are having in Singapore is hot and stinky. My head hurts with every breath i take. I'm not sure if it's the stress that's causing the pain, or the haze. Either one, i want both to go away as soon as possible. Damn the farmers in Indonesia. They are practically killing themselves. By burning the forests, they are actually adding to the air pollution and increasing greenhouse effect and global warming. Singapore is already so damn hot. I know, i know; it's just farmers making a living. But heck, must we all suffer together with them?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
We were having tuition as usual. Then, suddenly our topic came into NS? Joe was asking my cousin what cca he was in, so he said NCC. Yeah, think that's how it came into HE being in NS.
He was saying he's a commando.
That was what went on....
Joe, "Eh, you know commando?"
Cousin "Er, ya? Really ar? You commando?"
Joe "Come, i show you something... *digs his hp for a pic of him wearing Commando Uniform with the red beret*"
Cousin "You sure or not? Commando must be very fit one lei....... or... you sit in the dept. de?"
Joe " ........... "
We were laughing like siao lor! Lol!!! Joe buey tahan and super pek chek! xD Then we went on to about airborne and stuffs.. Funny experiences that cannot be put in words eh. Lol!
Anyway, 5 more days to go! =D
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
6 more days... to go!
If i end up disappointing myself, i'm seriously gonna give my head a good bang and chop it off, perhaps like what i told JX this morning, chop my head off and throw it on the wall and let it bounce everywhere. Muahahah!~
On a lighter note.
Why so many politics one...? You play me, i play you, end up everything turns from sweet to sour. Very nice to backstab people and see them fail issit? Supposedly fun cycle? It's a waste of energy & precious time, lah!
Monday, October 02, 2006
You guys know how much I HATE to force people to do things against their wishes. I was already fuming at that point of time when i looked around the class, everyone avoided my eyes when mine met with theirs. You know how sorely disappointed i was to know i have such unsupportive friends. Who doesn't want to make use of that hour to study?! Even i wanted to! I just sat down and calmed myself down, and after 5 minutes, Mega(who self-volunteered), and Sylvia whom i asked, went down. I don't know what my feelings were at that point of time when i just walked out of the class so unhappily. I was so angry yet disappointed, the feeling was just so so f**ked up.
The teacher was already at the PE store sorting the things out, and when she saw only 3 girls turned up, she started shooting at me,
"I thought i asked you to pull out 5 other girls to help you?!"
"No one wants to."
That was all i ever replied. If she probed more, i think i wouldn't have such a calm demeanour already. She assigned us to some shit stuffs of cleaning the PE store and pumping of all the balls, counting the equipments, rearranging them. And guess what, our exam was a freaking day later. What a good timing to FORCE us to do such jobs. Everyone did it so unwillingly. Obviously, she went up to the class and pulled another 2 more girls. And more angry faces came along. I don't know how else to describe this. Why must such things always happen to me at very wrong times...?
Perhaps, it's just another good way to reveal more about what i've judged people in the past. Maybe... maybe it just builds up stronger, beliefs upon beliefs.
P.S I'm surely gonna offend a LOT of people in this post. Maybe it's time you people do some self-reflection, because, personally, i still have a very clear conscience. Note that i only decide to blog this after many hours when i know i'm not having anymore personal angst in me.

人的一辈子,真实一直在上坡,下坡,做着相同的 “爬山” 动作。“爬山” 无疑是人生最美好的经验.
Where's the listening ear when you needed one? What is becoming of us? Maybe, there's a better place lying high up there... Beyond our reach. Who's responsible for this fiasco? No one; but ourselves.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
You scored as Philosophy. You should be a Philosophy major! Like the Philosopher, you are contemplative and you enjoy thinking about the purpose for humanity's existence.
What is your Perfect Major? created with QuizFarm.com |
I still have the same results as i've had months back. Hmmm.. Probably the lowest i had with chemistry cos' i simply have no interest for it. And damn it, why does our school have to make it a compulsory subject. Haiz...
Kukmin Combo
Just more info : This was the Korean's Team National Combo that they used in the Comp. back in dunno which year. Supposedly, last year?
The sync is damn nice! =D
The usual thing, skating every Saturday. Since it was raining, went down to Esp. Underpass. I learnt new stuffs again! =D
Jia Xin saw me around 8 plus... her face was so damn red lar. Like kena sunburnt until dunno like what. And, she still dare say that place so hot so hot... it's because of my presence that's why so hot ma! Tsk, so slow! Wahaha!
Around 10 plus, we went for a supposedly half an hour nite urban. This urban was really chiong chiong chiong, cos we don't have to wait for anyone. GOOD thing. We skated up slopes, obviously when we go up, we have to come down right? Haha, i had an adrenaline rush, feeling the cooling night wind blowing in my face. After skating past Grange Road > River Valley Rd > Boat/Clarke Quay> Private residential area, it was very high class area okay. The property there, wah... xD then went to Somerset Skate Park. There, my FIRST TIME i tried ramps! WOOT! The feeeling is sooooo cool k! Since it was already 11 plus, so the place was empty. We kinda took over the place like ECP rink and skated round and round the middle part. I was doing back skating round and round. And my muscles are aching so much now. Lol. All thanks to going through the up slopes and skating backwards. Hanged around there till about 1.30am. This time we took a different route. Long Wen, who was leading the group decided to find back the 'thrilling' slope that he went SCREAMING down halfway through. Imagine that. IF Long Wen went screaming down, what'd the rest of us be? FAINTING down? Hahahaha! We skated right into Fort Canning Park. It was so spooky k. Lucky we were kinda in a big group. Well, maybe cos' it's in the middle of the night and super quiet. Long Wen recce the place a little, and we finally found that 'thrilling'
slope. It was super damp there. And the girls, Stara, Wen Ling and i were like, eh, cannot make it lar, so wet and it's damn steep -.- We went down super slowly lor. I mean everyone else did too. It was too dangerous to be chiong-ing down when we could have a very high possiblity of flying down the slope. A rough estimate, the slope was about 25 degree down. Imagine how steep that is lor!! I powerslided down all the way. Damn scary at first because of the steepness of the slope and the distance was quite long.
Ok, we spent more than half an hour inside Fort Canning Park. So scary. -.-''' Haha! 2am lei!! zZz
After that, we finally managed to find our way to the other side of the Park, skated down the entrance of the Park and there, another longggggggggg slope down. So shoik! =DD I really enjoyed myself terribly ok. Undescribable. Lol. Cos' it's been a longggg time since we urban at this speed liao and through such exciting terrains. I'm a thrill seeker? Hahaha.. =X Reached home about 3am+, totally drained of energy, both physically and mentally. =D