I think it's time for a peaceful moment for me to do a reflection on life so far...
I've been so busy with everything that is happening that i've stopped reflecting, thinking, and pondering about
I think it's a good thing because that'd mean i'm occupying myself with a lot of things rather than falling back into my own world of thoughts; which most of the time is negative.
I haven't been reading much lately, or perhaps, i've even stopped reading already. I used to read some self-help topics to be a better person, and i think i'm using this time to apply the techniques.
So now, it's time to reflect and review the performance... Heh.
My life has taken a drastic change in year 2007. The environment, the people, the attitudes, and the changes have all been quite major. The unexpected happened, the unpredictable came.
I'd definitely learnt quite a lot on this journey till now.
I realise that many problems arise every single day. They may be small or big. But what really makes the difference is how we see the problems. I shouldn't really call them problems. Let's say it's a situation. I've learnt much about giving in and understanding how others feel.
I know there were many times i just feel so pissed at something, then i calm down and ask myself if it's really worth it, or are there other better solutions than being angry?
I am not impulsive to begin with, but i think i've definitely tame my temper much better now.
When i think back about it, i realised that actually there were many situations that could be handled much better. My reactions to them weren't all good.
But i know i've changed a bit for the better.
I learnt to be very sensitive nowadays. But still, my old habits come back some times. I'd say something so wrong that i'd regret the next second.
There was a period when i knew this word "
happiness" didn't exist in my world at all. I felt it so badly. I'm touched by friends who were truly concerned about me. It's time i start to let go...
The biggest lesson i've learnt so far...
I know for every action, there is a reason behind it.
We don't become angry for nothing, neither do we blame others for their mistakes. Sometimes, we really just have to be extra sensitive and understanding towards our loved ones, which is what i call...
love for the people around you.