Today's a really special day for this special someone... hehe ;)
Happy birthday my 爱爱! It so happen that i have all the
cute and pretty pics of you in my com that i decide to post them... whahaah. Really hope you've had the nicest 16th birthday.
Just the 2nd day of the new year and many things happen already...
I was late for school today, despite the fact that i woke up on time. I said nothing when mdm khoo was asking the 'excuse' for being late. What could i say? My mom took so long to get ready to leave the house? Ha... Great. First day of sec 1 i was late. First day of sec 4 i'm late. Tradition huh?
Today and yesterday and maybe many days before, it's been bothering me... i'm not on good terms with my mom. Apparantly, i just found out the reason. And seriously, i think it's not even a
dulan as she said because my brother keeps going out; and when he does come home, he locks himself in the room with his computer 24/7. I'm not surprised which parent wouldn't be. As for me, 'pak tor until become siao char bo!' It sounds funny. But it isn't when you hear the tonality.
Sometimes i just need some understanding between any 2 person lest such things happen. But alas, she always thinks she's right. I feel so sick and tired of it. Every morning either she's shouting at my maid or on the phone jabbering away... becoming more and more
aunty. This morning she shouted at my maid again. Venting her anger, cursing under her breath. What has this world come to?
Home alone today, i took my time to do some work, read books, took a nap for an hour. Waking up to be scolded by her in the night. I feel so disheartened. Just because i took a nap, she feels i go out too often that's why i'm overly exhausted. She just assumes and accuses. Stabbing at my heart. I feel so hurt yet i can't speak, because i really don't know how to tell her how wrong she is. How i'm trying so hard to do my part yet she doesn't seem to see it.
Then my brother seems to be living in his own world. I called him numerous times to open the door for me today and he slept right through despite answering the call. Eventually i had to climb into my own house.
Seriously, I don't know what the hell i'm doing.
All i know is i'm doing the right things.