Monday, November 22, 2010

Jacjac is back

How much have you guys missed me while I have been away the past 2 weeks burying myself under books while surviving to finish paper after paper and closing the chapter on each part of my life in that particular subject?

This week there's only Econs and Lit left, and finally Physics MCQ next week! It's so fast.

I was just saying how christmas is arriving again!!! Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Time waits for nobody, and it's not being kind again this year.

With a wedding on 1st dec, the cruise coming on 3rd dec, basic theory on the 6th and prom on the 7th! I think life after As sure is as busy as before. It's going to be hectic and stressful to prepare for these events as well. Finally I have the whole of December for a proper break before the mad practical lessons start in January. I've practically booked the whole month on every single weekday. Dying to get my driving licence!

Next would be shopping for clothes and macbook air - all these material pursuits which I have long forgotten since JC life started. And how can I ever forget climbing and skating? I will be some fit-ass chick having starved myself from exercise months back. Then hopefully Steve Jobs will release some news on the new Iphone 5 next year as well.

Life is gonna be as busy as it gets! And, it's all better than living it meaninglessly right?

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Bloat Gloat

I'm always stunned when I start a new post. Because I wonder what would make a good opening. And then when I start typing, it keeps going on and on like a river flow.

Aye, there ranting about nothing and I've started the post like that. Doesn't it seem strikingly like many of the choices that we make in life? We procrastinate and think and think again, but do nothing about it, so in the end there's no action taken at all, and nothing is done. In Physics this is called zero work done despite all the thinking. In life, it's called NATO. No Action Talk Only.

I was supposed to gloat about being bloated.
Despite it being so close to the very first paper of the monstrous A levels, I just had a very very fulfilling gastronomic experience over the public holiday and a wonderful Saturday. Yesterday's Deepavali (I typed and re-typed the word 4 times putting in double "L"s and "P"s because blogger keeps highlighting it red before I googled it and realised I've been typing the correct one all these while, lol) saw a huge huge crowd at ECP Jumbo Seafood. It was packed full house and the groups of people gathering outside with reservations were enough to scare. It reminds me of those long snake queues you sometimes see at the interchange with the newspaper stall vendors giving some free gift and loads of aunties and uncles queue up for it.

So yes, I have been long winded and extensively naggy about things unrelated to my main point. We decided to head to the nearby Red House Seafood Restaurant. I have been mad craving for prawns recently because APPARENTLY my lips have not been reacting to them anymore. HA!
We ordered Drunken prawns with Hua Diao Wine and herbs. I never get sick of this particular dish despite eating it from young. Then we had steamed Soon Hock, if you've been to Chinese weddings, it's a favourite fish for hoteliers to offer to couples in their wedding package. It's smooth, fresh and soft but tangy. I've been through a myriad of fishes with textures ranging from bouncy to stiff dry; this Soon Hock surely did not disappoint. And then we had Braised Spinach Tofu & Honshimeiji Mushroom topped with crisp conpoy. Now that was a mouthful. I think I can swallow the tofu faster than typing its name out. How can anyone go to East Coast with its entire stretch of restaurants boasting their signature Chilli Crabs and leave without eating it?

We ordered that with super good Man Tou. I love Man Tou especially when it's fresh out from the oil, i mean wok, crispy on the outside and tender inside.

The whole Chinese dining experience was peppered, okay that was an understatement, it was overloaded with the big nose Chanel's laughter, mad interest in their wait staff, and food accidents where chilli padi took a splash on the table. The crab eating process left her phone so dirty I told her she might as well just dip her phone into the sauce and eat it.

Fast forward to tonight's dinner, we went to Vivo and I realised that my world's view of dining places had been so limited to the East. Because i swear, Vivo has the largest range of restaurants to choose from. Next time I know where to go if I'm clueless. Heh. My brother recommended a Japanese Charcoal grill restaurant, Tajimaya, he has been raving about that place since months back because apparently it was nice but too expensive for him to keep going there with friends. Basically, any sucker for Wagyu beef would love this place. The marbling on the beef is so extensive

and the charcoal grill helped spread the wonderful smell of the beef. I love beef so much. It's my favourite meat ever. We had generous portions of different parts of the cow and some salmon and cod fish to complement the carnivorous diet. It's a smart concept of Tajimaya to simply serve up uncooked well marinated dishes to diners. So much for saving all the chef's effort in cooking it to the diner's tastes and preferences. In the cheapskate practical perspective of a typical Singaporean, one would just label the concept as damn 好赚 lor.

Ok that's it.
It's time to stop gloating about my dining experiences while I remain perfectly slim and skinny despite having not climbed/run/skated for months. Heh heh heh. I, surprisingly, still don't have a belly to show. No muffins. Nothing. See la, all those who keep calling me being too skinny for my own good. Many would die to be in my shoes. Eat with no exercise but yet still slim.
Okay, I have gloated enough. Time to weep in my little corner while I return to the devil books and you can have the last laugh.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Peeking from somewhere

I have been so far away from my feelings and thoughts these weeks with studies overloading my mind. Moments of consciousness are spent worrying over productive & optimal usage of time for the As that I want while I'm too deep in my unconsciousness too worry about my inner emotional state. Blogging keeps me alive, internally.

There's so many things that has happened that I can't put my feelings into words.

For what's to come after As, and for the days during As - it's all the same to me. I don't exactly feel a sense of high fantasising about all the crazy things that I could do when I don't have to study anymore. And I'm actually considering how much I will actually miss studying because it gives me a sense of purpose and meaning in my life.

Between practicality and passion for Uni, I have half my mind made up.

I have a gut feeling that it will be the same when I do decide the course I want to take like it had been when I just blurted Class 3A when registering for driving. All those childhood thoughts of driving manual and mimicking the gear shifting sounds, I have went with my instinct and picked what I actually really wanted to do, despite negative comments from people saying I'm dumb/senseless/silly/stupid.

I always have Steve Job's speech in my mind "you will only see the dots connecting after that". I guess that's it right? I'm stabbing aimlessly in the dark, hoping to strike gold. It's contradicting when I tell people to not let emotions get the better of them, because I'm now letting my emotions control the decisions that I'm making which would affect the journey in my future.

Humans are just so irrational.
And that's why I'm ever so interested in the study of human's behaviour.

Two years back, I was thinking how nice it is to be in a JC when all students feel grown up. Forward that, now I'm looking forward to Uni where I'm placing undergrads on a pedestal and their lives as well as if it's so desirable. It's an endless cycle.

Envisioning a life of academic career. Jac will always be Jac, just that I've noticed I've gotten a whole load mellower these days.

It's hard to get in my bad books unless you're really that bad.

I love growing up, and watching my friends around me grow up too. The little quirks and silly things we all do once in a while. I can even picture us laughing about it when we're old and less naive.

We only live our lives once, there's many things that the eyes can ignore and the ears can choose to shut out, but never go down the road of anger. It's the worst emotional state that destroys relationships in an instant because one never meant to say things that hurt so much. I've conditioned myself to never fall for that. Because I don't need a second lesson to remind me how much anger does not help in any situation.

The next time you can't control it and feel like bursting into a rage, just shut yourself up and calm down. Think again, then speak. The bond built over the years isn't worth a moment of folly.

P.S I feel like a plane crash victim survivor, surviving to retell the story, and appreciating people around me, growing to love each one for who they really are, flaws or not. I wish I could break the barrier to express the love more.