My CPU sucks big time. I was blogging quite a long entry you should say... with much thoughts in it. And poof, it hanged on me! All gone. Yay! -.-Sheeeeesh! =(
So, i was saying...Why do parents wanna give birth? One thing aside, perhaps pressure from the older generation that there must be boys carrying on the surname. But i see that isn't the case for the year 2006.That's where the root of the problem. Parents giving birth to us.The first few months of our lives are the most peaceful cos we lived like a king. We cry and our demands are our parents' wishes.
However, things start to change once we hit the very cute and young age of 2,3,4.Parents start to drill us with work. The kiasu ones send their kids to endless workshops and classes to have a early head start for their child.Drawing class, Maths classes, English classes, Dance classes, Piano lessons and whatnots. Isn't it a bit too taxing for their cute little ones?
Though young as they may be, they have feelings too.Yeah, i know. "I want my child to study; do well in their lives and have a bright future; earn much more than me, lead a better life."Sometimes, i think it's a little overboard. Parents FORCE their kids to have piano lessons/ballet classes at a very young age. They think their kids would appreciate and ENJOY that they spent that few thousands on them just for the lessons. That's just the early start of the terrible lives they would have.Next, when they start Nursery; here comes the endless languages classes, art classes, maths classes. Primary school, wow, parents start planning for their secondary school life already.Every single little thing are their parents' wishes. Have they even have the teeny weeny bit of a chance to make their own decisions? No.
So what if your kid is the next Einstein? Are they enjoying what they are doing? Is that what they want?Parents are too selfish to spare a thought for what their child might wanna do. They make decisions before they can even open their mouths.
They say that "We were too weak financially to afford for piano lessons, violin lessons, and now, since we can afford it, we want you to fulfil our wishes and what we couldn't and didnt have the chance to do so."
I really beg to differ and these parents should in turn think why their kids are rebelling.
BECAUSE the problem lies with parents themselves.Many good examples around me that i can name that they are forced into learning something they do not wish to do so. But because it's their parents' wishes.To put it in a harsher manner, we kids, are the slaves that listen to our masters to fulfil their demands and requests regardless we like it or not.
I'm really glad that my mom isn't the sort stated above. She is more of a friend than a mom. I can speak to her what i feel.My mom once mentioned that she wanted to send me to ballet classes, piano classes. But everytime i would reject her because i have no interest. She said she didn't have the chance to do so when she was young so she thought i might fulfil her wish to do so too. The good thing is that, she listens. She understands that nothing is gonna work by the hard way. Perhaps that is also how i was brought up that i learn a lot from her too. i learnt to give way and always try my best with a win-win situation. One thing since young my mom always say. She never once has to remind me to study, whether i have done my homework and sorts like that. Because she trusts that i know and i have to do my part. She has already let go the many reins that held onto me as a young child. The trust that she had in me made me want to prove so much to her that i won't disappoint her.So, what has it gotta do with parents forcing us and letting us think on ourselves? That's the difference. That's where the world is different. That's where people's point of views are different.
Yes, i admit i love skating. My mom acknowledges that fact. I love playing the guitar. My mom knows that too. I love listening and singing to my favourite tunes and songs, my mom knows all. She has never forced me to do something i don't like. She lets me choose my path. During the time when we were done with PSLE, and next was choosing our sec schs. I have to say that all the schools were choosen by me. My mom never picked any for me at all. I really have an extraordinary mom who understands what kids need nowadays. I do sympathise a lot for those whose parents have such selfish thinkings that they want their kids to fulfil what they want. It is just so not justified!