The Actual Photograph i sent in :

It came as quite a surprised to me when we had our usual Newspaper Reading on English Lesson...and Shu Yin who was sitting beside me, flipped through Straits' Times' IN and was like "Jacinda, you take one ah!?" While she pointed at the picture on the paper. I was apparantly very stunned la. I couldn't believe what i was seeing, then i straight away flipped through my own copy. Then i just sit there staring for quite some time before everyone else starts asking me about it. It was just right after our rollerbladin enrichment, and i was evidently happy that we had skated, and i've learnt something new. So that mode of highness+happiness was still lingering around me. I felt so so... happy.. more than happy itself. Like a sense of warmth and achievement... =) I shall upload pics soon, blogger doesn't seem to be able to load the pics up right now =A new week has started again, more assignments coming to their datelines. Time to rush and do last min. work again!! Arh!!
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