Kids, teenagers and i can even say adults, are clueless about what's content. What is the meaning of contentment? To be content with what you have of course! Good answer given. But...the real thing that's happening, is that, it's so much easier to be said in words rather than actions. Look around you, seriously, how many are truly contented? The rich aim for the richer, the better aim for the best. It's good to live for your hopes and dreams, but sometimes, certain things have a limit, and you just can't do anything about it no matter how much you try.
Not convinced? How many of you guys out there secretly wished that your parents could afford everything for you just like that rich friend of yours? A chauffeur? A maid? A bigger house? A bigger car? A better boss? A better job? A better life?
Majority do not appreciate for what they have currently and always complain that life sucks. Life indeed sucks if you do not know how to appreciate and be content. Have you appreciated the fact that you have a happy family? Have you appreciated the love your parents showed? Have you appreciated the many countless things your parents gave? Have you appreciated what your parents have done for you?
Very simple things that happen so routinely that we take things for granted. How many schooling kids out there do you see out with parents sending them to school every morning without fail? Worse; how many maids do you see getting ordered by these kids nowadays?
Everything is 应该的(as expected that i should have and i must have)。 So many of you out there are so blessed that you forgot to 饮水思源 (remember who helped you to your success). How many can say that they are not guilty of that? Even i dare not to!
But times when we know the limit, we should stop asking for more. So what if you have all that money that you want? You start to forget what is love and care, you start to forget about your loved ones. Your life orbits around money and more money.
I noticed this, people who have a not-so-well-to-do-but-happy family always hope to have more money for themselves. Indeed they live in a small cosy house, lead a happy and simple life. Yet they ask for more. NOT contented.
People who come from well-to-do-but-broken-apart family, however, always hope to give up the money and just lead a simple happy life.
Contradicting as it sounds, but it's ever so true.
Lets put this in this way, if i come from a poorer family but we are all happy living creatures. I will always hope that my parents make it big someday and can just give me a little more money for me to spend. Why can't my parents just do that? Look at my cousin, they get all they want, yet in return, they don't have a happy family. And all they wish for is not money but just their loved ones to care for them.
A very good example indeed of not being contented. How many uncontented people out there don't appreciate that they have a cosy family. For me, i would definitely choose a happy family over money. Keeping in mind that money is not everything. Money is indeed the root of evil. Your world should not be orbiting around money. Look at other things, how blessed are you to be actually enjoying your lives with your loved ones everyday? Make do with that little money and enjoy the times with the people around you. You will definitely live a more meaningful life than always asking for more.
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