The evil story shall begin.
Little girl was lazing around requesting some water to be brought to her. Little girl's mommy decided put her aiming and throwing skills to test. She aimed at little girl at about a 5m distance and threw a 1.5L bottle of cold water at little girl. Little did little girl expect it, the bottle with an evil grin came flying right at little girl. Due to the trainings little girl had before, she had fast reflexes and managed to touch the bottle. Notice the word, "touch". Because of the water droplets on the surface of the bottle that made it slippery, making little girl lost grip of it. The evil bottle continued its evil path; smacking right into little girl's forehead; before making a detour out of the main door behind little girl. Little girl ended up burying her head in her hands; moaning in pain. With specs flying off her face and forehead swelling like a balloon.The evil story has not ended.
Little girl decided to head over to Suntec to have dinner at Tony Roma because of her cravings for the baby ribs. Guess what, she had no idea about the fireworks that night and experienced a one hour jam trying to find a carpark only to realise everywhere has the same big sign "CARPARK FULL". So they finally decided to just head over to Katong after wasting 1 hour. Not only that, thinking that little girl might get to see the fireworks at suntec, Marina Mandarin the villian blocked the full view of the fireworks and little girl spent half an hour in the car hearing the sounds of fireworks and viewing the smoke of the fireworks; because the famous trait of Singaporeans; kaypo-ing, they decided to stop their little vehicles right in the middle of the roads causing a heavy jam. Oh WOW. Finally after much fustration, little girl and her teamates decided to just head over to Katong.
After a sumptous dinner at an Italian restaurant, the evil food decided not to spare little girl. They had a mini war in little girl's poor tummy, causing her to suffer major burnings at her ass.
Please let the evil story end right now!
State of little girl after experiencing a major com hang 3 times consecutively while she was trying to blog this; in vain. With the special ingredients of the aftermath of 2 diarrhoeas.

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