The first thing that comes to my mind was that the children are just having fun. Of course, it poses a danger and all. I know some Singaporeans are just concerned over these matters. But seriously, sometimes, if it's not your kids hor, also no need kaypo so much lah. Since their own parents didn't teach them the proper ways; and even IF they did, let the kids learn it by themselves lah. Accidents do happen, and that's also when people start to learn from their mistakes. Kids will never believe anything is dangerous/bad until they have a vivid memory of that something. As you can see, the majority of us had much childhood stories to tell, those mischievous times, when parents could do nothing. This is just part and parcel of growing up. Why kids can't have their own freedom also? I mean, who's never done that on a playground before lor. If they don't wish such things to happen, might as well, lock the kids up and be good boy/girl. I dare to make such comments, because i've been through that stage before too. Everyone has.
I still remember in my Primary school days. My brother and i with another friend, we would always get together after school, and have what we called last time, 'fun'. We created our own explosives using those firecrackers gunpowder, wrap them up into a ball and lighted it. It exploded with so many colours from the crackers! And resulted in very bad air pollution. I remembered times when we got burnt by stuffs like that, but, our parents never really bothered because they knew it's just how kids are supposed to learn. They don't know what is call pain until they feel it. Playground, is just another place to have fun, and everywhere has danger one lah. No matter how much we can TRY to prevent, things always happen at the most unexpected times. I was very playful during my young times, partly cos' my parents aren't overprotective of us and just let us have our fun. I sat on the swing and found no kick in it, swang higher and higher, the swing nearly flipped the other way round. From that time onwards, i was so freaked out i dared not swing so high le lor! See, this is how kids learn. No amount of words can get into their head until they experience it themselves.
Sometimes, i see parents nowdays so protective of their kids until i've got nothing to say. Where's all the fun already? It's taking their childhood away from them. Let them have their fun, it's just part of life, they will learn and grow up like every other child out there to be the next successful generation.
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