Yesterday was the best day in my life, never felt so happy for a long long long time already. So heartwarming... =)
Will remember this special day as long as i possibly can...
Hmmm, early in the morning, my maid wished me a "happy burstday!"

That face is so retarded! ~
Not long Sally, Chu arrived at my house le, ready to set off to pick up the rest. Had lunch, and proceeded to Kakaoke le. Sang majority Jay Chou's songs and the english old boy band songs.. .brings me back to my past again.. those old boy bands'.. =)

We saw this song which had such a unique title lor~

And this is the outcome... lol!~ Wah piang, this is actually the lyrics of the song lor~ Then still had "Sylvia's mother says Sylvia is busy" We all almost died laughing there!

Then my lovely dear frens surprised me by selecting this song and sang karaoke for me! So sweeeet! =) Think it's quite blur, it's the Happy Birthday To You song.

After the session ended... with smiles plastered all over our faces. Ah, still remember, i was damn high la~ lol!

Thanks alot my dear girls!
After the party and crazying with friends, went out for dinner with family.

Here we are, where we sinned so much right there ^^

First one right up, my favourite Sharksfin soup lor! Too bad it's so little~

Next thing up the menu was Australian Lobster Sashimi! It is soooo fresh okay. The lobster was still moving somemore! Ya, that's how fresh they prepared it. It's my rare chance getting to eat this k. Look at that amount of meat...great, im tempting myself too much again. Notice somewhere behind the lobster got a pot of prawns, they were still hopping around inside lor, soaked with liquor.

It's freaking huge la the head. My brother got freaked out cos its still alive and all~ Lol! Imagine lor, on your dining table, your eating something that is still moving..~ Scary...So cruel! Hahha~ What to do...

And this was the result, superb!

Next was the snow crab, I've never eaten this in my life. First timer. The meat is damn sweet and juicy lor. Don't judge a book by its cover. That crab was very huge~

Crayfish! The taste is still lingering in my mouth. Very very very nice.

Was playing with the lobster shell after that... lol. And no, lobster doesn't represent Singapore :P Merlion does. ;)

The restaurant specially prepared it F-O-C for my birthday! So nice right! I could't bear to eat the heart shaped jelly =X

And i spent a bomb just on that dinner. Not exactly me, but my mom. My god, just one night, she's half a k poorer le. But it was definitely worth, and once in a lifetime!

I feel so bloody fortunate okay. If only everyday were that everlasting. I hope... =)
Thank you very much to everyone who sent their well wishes to me, appreciated it a whole lot! =D
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