Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Autocratic parent?

I really really don't know how to deal with this. I feel so sad, so heartbroken, so disappointed.

I'm already very much confused, why can't we all understand each other better?
I feel so hurt internally.

Sometimes... i really wanna give everything up.


Someday, when's it's not there, we'll learn to treasure. By then, it's too late.
Is this gonna be the final straw? I really wanna perservere... but it's draining too much energy.

Tired... sick and tired.

Bad bad times. I hate this so much. Hope everything gets over soon. Everything's not gonna be the same anymore...
Am i unwanted? Ha ha...

Every child is unique. No one style of parenting can fit a child.
Parents have the difficulties of apprenting their own children. They ask around, hoping to find the magical wand from friends who can create that big change in their own kids.
I urge that parents have to understand that their own children are all special. Love them, cherish them, hug them.



Concentrate on those things that you can do and give less attention to those where you have no control. Remember that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish too...

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