Fine print:
These personal opinions have been written at a point of time where i deemed as right. They may change over time and is strongly not advisable to be taken as facts.
Have we not been taught not to accept everything at face value?
Then why are all of us doing what we are told, but never once question why we are actually doing it?
I know school always encourages students to question and enquire whatever that is taught. But ironically, whatever that's been taught, is deemed as the right answer; the best solution.
I recalled questioning "why" in certain science lessons. What i got was "Oh, that's because it's like this and like that, that's why it results in this. There's no further explanation to why it is like this."
Simple, i return back to square one. Then i have no choice but to accept what has been taught in the first place again. Ironic.
Doesn't that make me 'ask for nothing'? Because the reply i get would just be an elaborated version or, 'beating about the bush' of what's in the textbook.
In my 14-years-old world, of what i've been taking in; i noticed that majority adults, i.e. 21 and above, once they step into the working society and stop learning what they did in Seconday; Tertiary level, they forget all about it.
Take my own parents for example, as long as the subjects they learnt that they do not apply in today's life, they have no impression of what had been taught in their teen years.
Then my next question is, so what's the point of studying the subjects offered in Secondary? Why can't we learn the skills that are needed for our later part of lives.
I've always wanted to learn business studies, design etc; courses that are offered in Tertiary Education. We never have such subjects offered in Primary/Secondary Education.
The only factor i can think of is the foundation building. It may just be the answer to all my questions. Foundation building? Then why when we grow up only to forget our foundation? Doesn't that makes a tree without its roots?
We are all too busy trying to be 'in the crowd'. Trying to fit in to the society. Trying to be a society norm. We don't dare to question what is coming. We just take it in and conform to it. Everyone is taught the same thing in school. Yet, 20,30 years down the road, we see all the people we once knew leading different lives. Some may still be finding a place in the society. Some may have achieved their dreams.
What's the X factor that differentiate these people? Is it how we are brought up? What we are exposed to when we were young? The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer?
But we are all taught the same things. So why do we progress differently leading through different paths?
It's not the in the 21st century anymore to be academically talented and be a doctor, a lawyer or a scientist; the professions which promised bright futures. If everyone were to pursue the same thing, won't the society be so filled with doctors, lawyers and scientists? The market value drops. Just like how the education system is now; the higher your degree, the brighter your future is.
If everyone achieved a U cert; then there's no big deal at all these days. It's the norm. This rat race of working harder, outwitting everyone, will carry on. What will it be like 20 years down? The society will be filled with everyone holding P.h.Ds. Is that how the world is going to progress? We will be studying until 30-years-old; not 23 in current days to complete University, to achieve a doctorate; then step out into the society to compete who owned more companies?
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