Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I thought i'd like to share this little experience...

People always say, Today is a new day.

We don't have the chance to live the past, but we have the chance to look forward into the future. Leave where the past belongs, move on to create a better future.

At the start of each day, what's the first thing that comes on one's mind when one wakes up? Is it a positive thought that the day is going to be a good day? Or a negative one where one dreads what's going to come in the day?

Such a simple thought WILL affect how one feel about the rest of the entire day, really.

Personally, such thoughts are in the mind sub-consciously. Perhaps, i can put it in a way that it's human psychology. We tend to not hope for the day to be a perfect one, and that it's just another day.

I remembered back on Christmas Day, the previous night, i had little sleep. A couple of 4 hours were all i had. Waking up to the next morning, dreading the early morning tuition i had. Feeling so lethargic, i went ahead with the tuition with the mindset that "i'm so tired...hurry get it over and done with..." With the grouchy face i had and such a mindset that i'm going to behave like that for the rest of the tuition, obviously i did not gain much from it, at all.

Then, the next session, i promised myself to have a better attitude towards this. I slept earlier the night before, woke up with a positive mindset "I will do my best for this session". The results are so different. Seriously. At the end of that session, i felt so accomplished for being able to do my work twice as efficient as the previous lesson.

Such a simple mindset at the start of each day is actually the factor to deciding whether one will have a good or bad day. At first, I didn't believe that it's those first thoughts that goes through your mind at the start of each day that will bring you to what you want to see in that particular day. But those little every-day things that happened, proved me wrong.

I thought i would like to add on that at the start of each day, it's good to set as a routine, to be grateful for whatever that has happened in one's life. As much as there are many problems one faces in life, one can never be happy all the time, neither can one be depressed all the time.

Don't belittle the power of such positive thoughts.

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