Being a youth myself as well, i definitely have a lot of thoughts to share.
Youths in Singapore today has evolved to a stage where we are very tech-savvy.
Take a look at the current state, some as young as 11-years-old are already starting their own on-line business, reaping profits from it.
Youths these days are becoming more creative than previous generations because of the advanced technology available in Singapore. Almost every average family would have a set of computer at home.
As much as youths are becoming more 'smart', the downside to it is that we are less hard-working because we have the mentality that since everything comes so easily, there is no need to work hard for it anymore.
We are much less independant as well. There are so many teenagers who have never had a taste of what is a tough life. Yet, we complain that this life is so tough. Ironic.
Teenagers these days are all spoon-fed so much that they do not know the importance of thinking for their future, much less planning.
We depend on our parents, our teachers, our lecturers, and all of the people around us to teach us, to guide us, to lead us through all the way. That is not wrong, actually. But over-dependancy will result in one not being able to think for ourselves.
Eventually, our natural human conscience will question.
"What exactly do i want in life?"
"Am i going to continue this mundane life of running in this rat race just to survive?"
All of us will somehow subconsciously or consciously have these thoughts.
However, having this thought is not enough.
One who takes action and think about this question; who faces this question, will eventually find the key to what one exactly desires.
Yet, one who fears and avoids this question; have doubts and fears about the risks if they take a different path from the current one, will not go far.
It's always never too early to start planning for our future.
The older generations have qualms about the younger generation not being able to strive in this society. But who is to answer?
When we stereotype youths these days and label them as hopeless, who were the ones who brought us up to be like that?
Many will say it's their parents who pampered them. I don't deny. Which parent don't want the best for their kid?
Yet, the more parents want their kid to do well in life, the more they will spoon-feed them. Then the more kids will not learn how to stand on their own. Eventually growing up, not knowing how to fend for themselves.
Youths these days are not hopeless. There are so many uncovered talents. However, parents always choose not to see their other talents and focus too much on academic studies. I always believe in letting your own kid shine in his/her own way. No one is too hopeless for their own good.
Times are getting better, obviously, living conditions will improve as well. Youths will never learn how to appreciate a good life because we have never had a tough life before to truly understand. I guess this is something that everyone, including myself understand.
Enough of ranting, life will go on like it always has been. Singaporean youths; including myself have only ourselves to prove of our self-worth.
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