'Over a twenty-three-minute period, an assassination attempt on the President unfolds. The film loops through this period over and over, each time from the perspective of a different participant, adding a new piece to the larger puzzle with each loop.'
It's simply amazing. Those who have read To Kill A Mockingbird, one of the values they emphasize on was seeing things from someone's point of view. In the movie, the first loop that played gave a rough idea of the assassination of the president and the explosion from the point of view of a cameraman filming for the tv.
The whole plot was very cleverly planned. Who knows, the NSA(National Security Agency) from the USA forsaw that the president would be shot and they sent a double. And they were right on spot. Guess what, the assassins knew they would send a double, and they managed to locate the actual president's location. It was simply a game of wits and life.
The rest of it was outwit, outrun, outlast.
After the movie, we headed to tampines safra for pool. Before that while we were waiting for an empty table, i wanted to play photohunt at the game machine. Just my luck, there were already credits inside!
And we managed to top the top scores. ;)
That night, my pool skills went up by a level. We left the place about 12.30a.m, and i suppose both of us didn't really played enough. SO, we came for part 2 pool the next day.
Some of you may be wondering, why isn't there any photos of me? Well, this big guy doesn't wanna take pics of me cos he don't admire me anymore... xD Hai~
I realised i have a bad habit of saying "wa lao eh~!" everytime the ball doesn't go in. Sheez. If it was Vic, i think the entire game would be "F***!" ... after 2 mins, "F***!" and the cycle goes on.
I realised i have a bad habit of saying "wa lao eh~!" everytime the ball doesn't go in. Sheez. If it was Vic, i think the entire game would be "F***!" ... after 2 mins, "F***!" and the cycle goes on.
1 comment:
hahaha someone's starting to know me a little too well. our close seating proximity, perhaps (:
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