The most memorable birthday party i had was that of one during Primary 5, if i'm not wrong. Ever since, it was the first and last birthday party that i had. The rest of my later years were spent celebrated at a low profile. It's not that i don't like hosting parties, but rather i prefer quieter and cozy kinda celebrations. I think as i grow each year, i don't look forward to stuffed toys/games etc. anymore on my birthday, but rather, to the little hand-made/written notes and cards that friends spend the time to make.
I used to look forward to material items and requesting for expensive gifts from parents each birthday. Till a year back, i realised the thing that touch me most isn't how expensive a present is, but how much effort is put into making a card. Gone are the days where we write letters to each other, draw little pictures on handmade birthday cards for friends in primary school because of the limited amount of pocket money we had.
People might ask "what would you like for your birthday?"
"Just a simple card/note will do, for momento and sentimental value."
Everything depreciates over time, but not sentimental value, it does the exact opposite.
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