Thursday, June 05, 2008

In vain

The 2 weeks of supplementary lessons are ending off tomorrow with O level Chem SPA. The final SPA that i'll be doing.

I've finally opened Angels and Demons - Dan Brown, to immerse myself in his Blockbuster-like novel. The brotherhood of Illuminati is captivating for those who read up on it. The human history is so amazing. I looked around me as i read the book. Wow, it forced me to think all the things that are around me now are going to be part of history a thousand decades later. I'm actually making history. Hundreds and thousands of years just fly by the existence of human beings. Revolutions and evolutions. Era after era. Generations after generations. It's all too fast for us to appreciate the beauty of nature that has always remained constant.

While i was reading Mind Your Body this week, their featured article was on teens binge drinking. A particular line caught me:

The recklessness of youth is something to be cherished, not regretted.

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