I have never relished the fact that guys engage escort services or are in involved with the commercial sex scene. The majority paying for these services are surprisingly local Singaporean men who are working executives in their mid 20s to 30s. The next big group would be the older Chinese men in their 50s to 60s. The innocent Singapore heartlanders always choose to live in denial that the foreign workers are the ones patronizing these red-light districts, but if we really consider their meager pays into account, how long can they upkeep this lifestyle?
Men stand by their beliefs that there is the carnal instinct deep within them that drives them to what they do. I beg to differ.
I'm not saying that humans be rid of their desires. Without desires, we wouldn't be living a purposeful life. We would just be cold humans void of feelings with no wish to live nor die.
But that we can always maintain the constant rational decision making part of us which i would like to call the angel inside us to make informed choices. The devil is the arch enemy of angel and more often than not always win these tough battles of ill-informed choices.
It's hard to drill the mind to always do the 'right' things because we are always influenced by too many other factors around us that might not be within our control, hence we just give in to our carnal instincts and blame it on nature.
Just beware... don't get caught with your pants down.
It's the same as smoking - don't try it, don't get hooked. Because prevention is always easier than cure. Is it really worth putting yourself back by that few tens to hundreds of dollars for a minute of exhilaration which makes you crave for more?
You never know where the HIV virus might be lurking and attack you when you least expect... or risk facing the breakdown of a family unit you worked so hard at building because of a moment's folly.
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