The past three days from 7-9th December I attended the Design My Place workshop, fully sponsored by the school. It's really an experience of a sort I've never had before. I can't say that it's all that fruitful though because there were some parts that weren't really enjoyable. I didn't have the luxury of better group mates and facilitators, but I managed to work with the challenges the process offered. The workshop is quite attas cos they sponsored cab rides to and fro the sites and even bought high tea snacks and provided drinks akin to a mini pantry in the Research Centre. I've been introduced to the fundamentals of urban planning and architecture. Throughout the days when I interviewed the residents at the site we were tasked to work on, I felt more like a RC/MP visiting residents rather than students working on a project.
I have a whole new perspective when I walk around HDB flats in Singapore now. Every facility built has been given much thought and consideration. The functionality is something that is of top priority.
After the workshop, I feel like my interest still remains in Interior Design.
Seriously... I think I'll end up pursuing that as my career.
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