Sunday, March 21, 2010


This is how I feel about life right now. Some may call me crazy because of MCTs, but I still feel really blessed. I have so much to be happy about. I don't have to worry about anything else except studying hard for myself. I'm well fed, I have everything I need, and I'm living very comfortably. Once in a while, it's good to go back to remembering how fortunate I am to have been given the chance to pursue whatever I am doing right now.

I studied hard to come into TJC. I climbed hard to deserve the chance to go for competitions. I skated so hard to achieve a peak at one point. You know, in retrospect, it's better to know that at least you have tried and done it than look back and regret for not doing at all. Like the movie that I can't recall the title, one line kept recurring to me -- It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.

I've taken the risks to drop my foot into unknown territories, struggled to keep my head above the waters... and now that I've come so far in terms of JC life, I shouldn't give up. At least, I want to assure myself that I've put in my best.
MCTs may not be the best gauge right now of my efforts, but i'll make sure I will put in more than I have ever done so in my past 18 years of studying. I mean, why shouldn't I right? My mom has worked so hard to provide everything for me. The only way I can show my appreciation is to reap what she has sowed for me.

Whenever I hear peers complaining of how they want this and how they can't get that, I feel a huge sigh building up in my chest, then I realise that neither do I practise what I preach. In my busy pursuit of whatever trivial things, I've always compared and asked why can't i be like this or be like whoever, but guess what, that only leads to more feelings of unsatisfaction. What gets me going is when people don't realise how lucky they are and continue their incessant whines about how life is unfair. It really makes me want to give them a good hard shake and wake them up to reality. I guess at some point I have made people felt that way about me as well.

Well, I'll try my best. Make a little change, no matter how small.
Make life simple, appreciate the little things. Appreciate and be contented with what I have than crave for more and create a never-ending space that will never be filled.

It's been a long time since I've read a good book. Need a little inspiration here and there to keep me bouncing.

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