Friday, May 21, 2010


I have never paid so much attention during lectures/tutorials before, and they are all showing results... good results. Both my weakest subjects, Math and Econs have drastically improved. I have always given my best in climbing, but never really applied it for my studies. Miss Kwan's long advice to us during post MCTs was a good reminder to me to apply the same amount of effort we gave for our PDPs, and even Mrs Ang also constantly praised how climbing really stretched my potential.

I really hope for 2010 to be the best year of all my school years, at least for now. Not only amazing results and achievements for climbing, but also for A levels. TJCCC 09/10, we can do this, as long as we believe in ourselves. Every little effort counts. Start paying attention, start absorbing, and most importantly, start practising for all subjects, because results doesn't come without practice. I really crave for decent results for JCTs. Allez!

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