If I could dong for another 5 months, I would reward myself luxuriously after that.
The mere thought of a University education waiting for me comprising of this JC life condensed into each semester drives me mad.
How does any sane human being in Singapore survive such a taxing education system?
If the Generation Y kids are like that, I can't fathom the Gen Z kids. Poor them.
What makes the government think more couples would want to give birth to more children to let them suffer this vicious(which is an understatement in itself) cycle?
In other countries, holidays are meant to relax and wind down. In Singapore, it's meant for school-going kids to catch up on other enrichment courses, to gain an edge over the rest basically and it's meant for adults to pay their sleep debt.
Whatever happened to a quality life? Materialistic happiness is barely even enough to sustain the quality of the lives of Singaporeans.
Sure, those who break out of this cycle and announce their success are merely the works and products of the robot-producing education system.
I already see part of my brain gleaming in the sunlight, the metal bright and shiny, ready to dive into the large pool of long-corroded brains and be part of the wasted metal.
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