I'm going to make a wild shot at guessing here, but Mrs. Ang's daughters are likely to have a communication breakdown with her in time to come. Maybe I'm just a typical naughty little girl who is all too immature to teach and all, but the tone that she uses with me (I should justify that it's not just me) is so condescending and critical. She uses the "I'm your father you listen to me and shut up" approach to talk to me. I'm in awe and shock at what conclusions she make when she approached me at the canteen a couple of days back saying "Jacinda! You should read more widely on your Econs. You seem to think you know everything but actually you are so confused."
The puzzling thing is I am quite the most active contributor/learner in her class and she agrees with the points that I share most of the time, and I seriously wonder where she get that hunch that I'm so confused about everything. It resonates my obsessive thinking that women these age are so judgemental(like my mom) - which makes me constantly conscious of myself not treading in their footsteps. Things that adults teach, and practise, are worlds apart. And they are so blinded by their assumed superior stance because of their age which makes them even more ignorant of the way they behave because they simply refuse to accept/believe that anyone younger would have anything worthy to say.
The video on the paralysis that choice creates has quite the same explanation on why adults like these behave the way they do. The increase in the digits of the age would mean an inevitable wealth of experience accumulated as well - the very fact of this allows these adults to conclude that they have much more experience than the young and that what they view as right/wrong will be the truth. WHICH, ironically, has limited their perspectives to a microscopic level because they jump to conclusions too soon due to the over-reliance of past experiences.
I rest my case. Remind me not to speak in such condescending manner to people younger than me because you never know, you might be enlightened in one way or another. Always be receptive to everything, but never be too easily swayed by what you see/hear at face value.
The balance to that is so hard to attain.
Look at it this way:
Toddlers soak up information & knowledge like a sponge(including the good & bad), while the old ones have shells so hard to break through that nothing goes into their ears & brains.
Ever wondered why most grandparents/mother/father-in-laws or even your own set of parents are so stubborn? They have all the barriers erected all around them, refusing to accept what's unknown to them for fear of having their beliefs/principles/values criticized when they have spent the last few decades devoting their lives to.

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