Saturday, September 04, 2010


I realised how much I missed fine dining at a classy 'atas' restaurant. Those kind serve up very small portions and has very tasteful presentation. Knowing Orchard Central has many F&B places to offer despite its ghost-town image, my mom and I explored the place. I noticed OC has the trend of placing the pricier restaurants at higher levels, i.e. the higher you go the more expensive and tasteful the restaurants become. So we went to the highest, at level 12, there was an exquisite Jap restaurant that served minimum $30-40 per item. I wasn't that geared for such splurging, so we headed down one level to OChre. It's an Italian and bar restaurant. I love the ambience of the place. European style with elaborate drinks menu and a slow serving style. We spent about 2-3 hours for our dinner there.

We ordered a seafood tomato soup. As normal as it might sound, it was actually a nice broth combination with strong prawn/lobster taste. I really loved it. I had beef tenderloin with caramelized foie gras on top, while my mom had the lamb chops with cheese fondue for our mains. I would highly recommend the lamb chop because the meat was so tender and the strong lamb taste was almost absent with the creamy cheese taste. It was a rather smart combination I must say. With such a classy ambience, and good service, they actually didn't have service charge! I guess it was a typical American style of tipping but it's in SG so I guess we didn't expect that such a classy place wouldn't have service charge. In the end with 20% off, the bill came up to less than a hundred. Surprisingly affordable for a good fine dining experience!

And there, 18 years of my life. Celebrated in subtleties.

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