Monday, December 20, 2010


I was thinking about how when the new week starts and I'm going to be mad busy day and night with barely even time to read my papers so I decide to blog before this starts to rot. I'm so busy that I don't even have time replying SMSes, don't even have time doing hair treatments for my scalp(yes I promised myself I would do it regularly after As, and see I'm not doing it now that it's AFTER As), don't even have time to read books(yes I promised myself I would start reading Sigmund Freud's works and find my destiny), don't even have time for all my friends in the world.

Somebody out there, save me?

I need the ching ching so badly, because my savings account is drying up so badly. I'm sponsoring my own driving licence and right now I've already bombed about 1.5k. And I have barely enough for my meals and enjoyment.

Talk about the season of giving right? I've been so generous with my own meals that I just splurged an entire month's worth of allowance and more as well buying presents and etc etc.

And how great have I gone on this path of financial independence? I told my mom I would get my own Macbook Air with my own hard earned money to learn to really treasure my material items.

Good job girl.

Money's never enough. Psychology is a long road.
The safe path? The fastest money?
Business, Finance, Economics. Hot hot hot, not my interest. Not.


Adulthood? Hell yeah.

FYI, prawning's fun. I kid you not. LOL.
Even if you tell me that you can get more than 20 prawns for my worth of $30, it's the thrill.
I found a new thing to indulge in and waste money. Fine, not waste money. Just less savings. Heeee.

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