Thursday, October 06, 2011


Does it signify independence? Confidence? The ability to enjoy the company of no one else's but your very own. I find myself at peace being alone. In moments like these, I start to contemplate over current events, draw lessons from past events, and then continue thinking about thinking. After conversing with Nah, whom refuses to read my blog, she's shed light on a different perspective. Something that I've been needing. It feels refreshing and gives me more room to contemplate further the decisions I pursue. Some which I continue standing by, and others, I start questioning why.

I am so conservative, so undaring to try new things, too laidback, and overly routined in my life. Would it be that mundane? I don't know what makes up a good injection of excitement. It takes so much to get me on the ball. Though, I enjoy spontaneity in things I do, occasionally surprising people with the things I do and say which they don't normally expect.

I don't know man, as much as time is a great deadener to many things, it's so helpful to have more time to rethink priorities in life. Sometimes I wonder if what I do right now is the right thing... which I guess I'll never know till I look back.

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