Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I was wondering how much do you give away with just the eyes? Daring to look at a person straight into the eyes conveys a sense of confidence and self esteem of one, yet, mastering the act of doing this and not actually staring requires some form of intuitive experience. On the other side, why would you feel shy looking at the person's eyes of whom you fancy? When you start becoming self conscious more than you want to, when the subconscious part of you takes on auto pilot and shifts the gaze away. It's quite a telling sign that your body is saying yes, as much as your logical mind is denying.
How many times do you catch yourself looking away just as your eyes meet for a split second?

Ah, hate it how I'm so aware of both the conscious and subconscious states of my mind. It's a constant battle in there doing what I should be doing and controlling what my body automatically wants to do. So much subtleties yet I pick them out like a little bug-picker.

Which brings me to my next point. I have had two consecutive peaceful nights without waking up to the itch on my limbs, and when I try to soothe these itches, I meet swelling patches like huge mozzie bites. Gone. All of these, GONE. I am sleeping far too much now, even with the glaring sun's light in my face, I somehow just manage to sleep it through into the noon. Good, and not good. Damn you exams. But it also means my body's recharging far more efficiently.

As I was climbing and doing routes I thought would be my peak, I somehow, managed to do them with some ease. It's a sign. I'm improving. I need to break the mental barrier that I'm not just limited to whatever grade I tell myself that I should be at. Try it on lead. Feels like a breakthrough is coming. I made my first dynamic legs cut loose move on a highwall yesterday. Wonder where I got the balls from. But it's making me smile.

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