Wayne: Hey i'll be waking up around 5/6 a.m then i'll call you.
Me: Okay.
25th May 08, 7a.m
My phone alarm rang. I looked at the time sleepily, it was 7a.m. No phone calls, no messages.
7.15 a.m - My alarm rang again, i woke up and looked at the time. Great, it's 7.15a.m Almost time to get out of bed.
After every 5 mins or so, i just kept getting up to snooze my alarm while waiting for him to call me.
8 a.m - I called him. Appears he just got woken up by my phone call.
8.05 a.m - Belle called to say she was there.
8.21 a.m - Belle says she's starting already.
8.30 a.m - Finally Wayne comes over and we went down.
Note: The event actually started at 7.30 a.m.
The power of a man's man man mo behaviour.
How can a guy be slower than a girl! Sometimes i wonder if i'm actually a guy disguised.
Anyway, the runway skate was awesome.
I wanted to eat Mcgriddles breakfast after the skate, but couldn't make it in time because someone loved man man mo-ing. Ended up eating crayfish ramen at Ajisen's which wasn't that bad either, my favourite dish there.
School holidays have officially started. But don't even think about holidays because TKGS is being overly kiasu, the Sec 4s have supplementary lessons from 0800-1330 for 2 more weeks.
My relatives from the U.S are coming over on June 8th. I can't wait!
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