We left house at 7.15a.m and reached school at 7.30a.m due to really smooth flowing traffic. Usually i take 25 mins to travel to school.
My mom was going on about:
"See la, holidays no parents need to fetch kids to school, whole road so empty. Parents work so hard for kids, wake up so early just to send kids to school. Tsk tsk... or else all wake up at 8/9plus to rush to work."
In school during recess, as Elaina and i decided to go to the toilet on the 4th level at the classroom block. We got the shock of our lives.
What the hell happened to the toilet doors?!?!
Ruby wanted to be in the photo with the very mature-looking toilet doors.
I thought at least this made some sense, something that ought to appear in a toilet in a really creative way.
But i simply don't understand what "Stripes look best on me!" has got anything to do with the toilet/ the toilet door/keeping the toilet clean.
Someone care to enlighten?
And, last night, Wayne went nuts, started talking to himself on MSN.
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