Sunday, October 25, 2009

Promo results

It's going to be the day tomorrow, I wonder how many tears will be shed, be it joy or sorrow.
I'm only dying to know how I've fared for physics and econs. The rest can go fly kite.
Cross my heart and fingers that I have no problem promoting. There's just too much other things to worry about than not promoting.

Climb on is coming by too fast. It feels sooooo good to be climbing again. I love the feeling being on the high wall, the adrenaline rush of reaching the top and shouting for tight, the breeze on the face when I'm being lowered, the laughter and jokes shared inside the cosy B area, and most of all, the smile on Philip's face yesterday when he was with us after the loooooongggg hiatus! I've never seen him this happy, or maybe it was just me. HAHA...

The to-do list have been striked off with ktv session, movie outings, shopping trip(not exactly), chill-out sessions. There's still so much more to do...!

I swear i'm going to work my body out so much with the start of this new climbing season and achieve another new high. Titans made me see pain as pleasure, nice.

Oh did i forget to mention? KI Room is the nicest place in school to chill out, sing songs, talk cock, pillow fight and what not, but with the a/c turned on. I love 28/09 so much.

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