The first wave of events are finally over. Bye to Promos & Titans, the 2 biggest worries during the past weeks. I can take a breather for now... before the next wave of PW and climbing training set in.
I'm pretty upset that at the 17th year of my life, I have been through too much and too fast of what's in store for life. I want things to be a little simpler for me to appreciate what typical 17 year olds would appreciate. The thrill of doing things without a care in the world seems appealing but in reality it will never happen.
I have always looked at the brighter side of life, looked at the cup of water being half full and looked at the black clouds knowing the sun will appear... and will always remain that way.
No matter how much drama there is in my life that I can write a script, it's simply just making me see things a little less important. Especially things which i thought mattered a lot have faded over time.
2009 might be coming to an end... it has been a tough year for me. At least tougher than the previous year. Just when I thought i had the worst, another huge tide comes washing over me making the previous troubles so minuscule. I have toughen up a lot over the past year both physically and mentally. I have learnt to take things in my stride - live and let live. At the end of the day, no one but myself can bring me down.
Studies are important, but they are just a part of life. Some people's lives only revolves around their studies that I think the meaning is lost, yet some are so nonchalant about it that it's quite irksome. Few have yet to find that balance... yet to prioritise what's most important. Some study for themselves, some study for knowledge, some study for their future, and the most useless ones(in my opinion) who study for their parents. We are all pretty clear of who falls into which category... If only people widen their minds - listen more; talk less, observe more; judge less, we'd just be a little more understanding that way. Understanding of how different people function and carry themselves.
Troubles make you lose focus in life... and change perspectives about many values and beliefs.
The first blow was the parents' divorce over financial matters, then disagreements with my mom over the different expectations of a boyfriend, next was paternal family falling out over money, then paternal grandma committing suicide on mid-autumn festival, now it's maternal family falling out over money.
I wonder what's next...
If i could have a wish granted - it would be to have too much money to throw at all these people(and hopefully drown them in money) to make them happy if that's what's enough to make them happy.
Is money really the most important thing & the key to happiness in life?
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