Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Night Sky

These two friends of mine made a surprising visit to my new place, fitting into whatever available space there was. Since it was a special occasion, we went out to celebrate whatever there was to it, with a good meal at Paradise Inn. Having the car at my dispense made everything felt so much more grown up. As I turned into the carpark at Big Splash, a sudden pang of adulthood hit me. I came to this very same place just 2 years back, with Wayne and all his friends, and they were all at least 6 years and more, older than I was. Treading this memory lane with Nah and Nel made it seem a bit nostalgic but all the more valuable that we were coming of age, finally. Funny how Nel mentions she'd prefer chilling at a bar with good music and beer rather than clubbing, which I had been preferring since many years back. Wonder why I skipped the whole partying phase together as well. 

To many things I'd say 'been there, done that' before some of the peers, but last night's was a first.

The three of us, arms draped over each other, hands linked, heads rested on shoulders, as we stood at the breaking waters of the sea in the night sky. Soaking in the sounds of crashing waves against the shore, staring out into the distance with blinking lights emitted from the ships, purely enjoying each other's company without words. 

5 years, a mile stone. Amazing how long I've known these 2 fellas, since I was 13 years old. And I don't know why I was part of the 5 years journey. Hahaha. We've crossed multiple paths, and yet through all the ups and downs, we are back at the same point here. Crossroads and distance, you don't need to have all the same interests and to be in the same schools to treasure friendships.

It transcends that.

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