Nothing grabs my attention as much as works directed and devoted to personal development. The introspective nature of mine has guided me to devouring many works centred around productive living. I feel that it is one aspect that is fully in my control and cannot be taken away no matter how the world changes.
Everything around us is constantly evolving. People are getting smarter, technology keeps driving things forward and there is only that finite amount of knowledge we can store in our minds about certain things. But I have always believed in one thing, that no amount of formal education can replace the education that one intends to have for a life. That education is so much more important, but not emphasized in our hectic lives. That education doesn't use quantitative measures and qualify numbers like Intelligence Quotient does. It is this particular education of growing ourselves internally that thrives the most in all of my devotion to learning.
I don't believe that the smartest person in the world, capable of performing calculations at the speed of light would be the happiest and most contented person unless he learns to develop his inner self as well.
Our education system may be a measure of the success of one's life, in material terms. But how much is ever enough? We are always demanding for more. More money. Faster cars. Bigger houses. More love. More holidays. More this, and more that. It is an undeniable aspect of human nature.
Why are we never content?
The drive to want more is healthy. It would be worrying if one stops having this zest for life. That maybe just having this is enough, or maybe that would suffice. The world would stop progressing. And that's disastrous. We need to keep moving on, we need to keep improving ourselves. But, not at the expense of our happiness.
I have met many capable people around, intelligent, bright, full of wit, athletic, musically-inclined, you name it, I've seen it.
But how many truly happy people have I met in my life? That despite all the troubles and unique wars each and everyone of us faces every single day, he, still radiates like a sunshine.
Rare, it is, really, so rare.
I am still so far off in this journey of personal development... but I like the progress of it. The awareness of knowing what's good and right for the soul. There really isn't a quantifiable measure of how much there is to learn, only the wholeness of the mind and the positivity to regain the balance after a few knocks in life.
There is only so much that people can offer, but true happiness comes from within.
I'm still learning, and I really enjoy devoting time to explore this no matter how busy I am. It keeps me rooted. It keeps me sane. It reminds me to value my self worth. Because... the world can be so crazy sometimes. And amidst this craziness, I can put a smile to my face, knowing that the sun will still shine the next day.
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