Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I've been so bored the whole day. Supposed to be studying...Ahhh. Procrastination. Damn it. Seems like i've slacked off the past few days until now no mood to hit the books again. Sian!!! Come on man, need some motivation.
Just passing time...

What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You

You are a very considerate person, but that doesn't mean you let people walk all over you.

Your look is put together, classic, and stylish. You always look fashionable without trying.

You have the perfect blend of confidence and class. You're proud of who you are - but you don't broadcast it.

In relationships, you are practical and realistic. You have a romantic side, but you only let it out when it's appropriate.

Your Element Is Water

A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.

That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.

Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.

You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.

You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.

You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.

You Are More Mild Than Wild

You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.

Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.

You are Agnostic

You're not sure if God exists, and you don't care.

For you, there's no true way to figure out the divine.

You rather focus on what you can control - your own life.

And you tend to resent when others "sell" religion to you.

You Are 80% Grown Up, 20% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.

Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.

That's about it. Still unmotivated. Argh~ Jus gonna hit some books and that's it.

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