Tuesday, March 04, 2008

And maybe someday we'll talk and not just speak...

Lit today was hilarious. I spent half the time laughing at Claire because of her predicting Vic's future life. Apparently Vic wants Claire to be her future housemate, but Claire spoke right through that she'd eventually just be a housemaid rather than her mate. If Claire wants to play golf, she has to ask Vic first and the latter would ask her to mop the floor. Then if Vic decides to bring home her sex and makes out in the room, she would shout for Claire to turn off the lights. It was damn funny with Vic pinching Claire throughout.
The fun doesn't stop there, when we went out of the IT resource room, Vic whacked Claire's boobs with her bottle really hardly. Claire was shouting like crazy "I swear i'm gonna pinch your nipples until they swell so huge they drop off." Something along that line, i couldn't stop myself from lmao.

Besides that, i was late for school again. I swear everytime i just wanna shoot the cars on the PIE for driving so freaking slowly. And, the funny thing is when my mom wakes up early, she will leave house at 7.01am. When she wakes up late, she will still leave house at the same time. Reason?

"I thought wake up early so can MMM (man man mo)... then when wake up late, have to rush like crazy."

OMG -.-

No wonder i'm always late. Sigh. Seriously, it's a stupid reason to get scolded by teachers. I'm fault-less except the stupid fact that i'm always late!

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