Friday, September 30, 2011


An eye opener for myself:

Key things to note:

- are a strong self-starter, who doesn't wait for things to happen

- maintain cool control of your emotions

- are an excellent listener, one of the best

- strive for a high degree of quality control

Ideal Job Culture is where you do your best work. You do your best work in an environment that:

- working in a predictable environment

- doesn't call for you to project great emotion

- presents you with specialized assignments

- encourages projects being done accurately the first time

Honestly, I don't know what kind of jobs have such a job culture. Loving the opportunities there are right now. So many... too many in fact. But I'm glad for now it's just a mass knowledge accumulation period. I have been working so hard my whole life, to be right here, right now.

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