Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Art of Non-Perfectionist struck me that over here, we spend all of our time PRACTISING music, but never really playing it. Piano, uke, etc… practicing to get “good enough” so one day we’ll actually play. But… I think music sounds better shared, with warts and off key notes and forgotten lyrics and all. So… everyone just take out whatever you’ve been practicing hard to get “good enough” at, and just show it to (or play it for) someone anyway. Trust me you’ll have a better day.
- Teng Yen Lin

It speaks volume to me about how much time we spend on our passion/art/sport, and sometimes getting too serious about it and always wondering when it will ever become good enough to be seen. I've kinda forgotten how to 'have fun' with what I love doing because I get so uptight about getting it right 100%. I should remind myself to accept mistakes, laugh about it, get better, and have fun. Having too much focus on getting it done the perfectionist way sometimes backfire more times than I would really like it to.

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