Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Introducing this highly addictive sweet! Coz i've constantly popped one after another after each is done melting in my mouth, for the past hour. And i hate to say this, but my jaws are freaking sore right now from the constant chewing on the sweets.
Don't worry if you have constipation, this is the cure for you!
Notice the last sentence where it states "May have a mild laxative effect...."

lax·a·tive (lks-tv)
A food or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.

  1. Stimulating evacuation of the bowels.
  2. Causing looseness or relaxation, especially of the bowels.

That is... consumed in large quantities. xD Well, who knows what the hell they mean by LARGE quantities? 1000 packets of it? I think.

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