Friday, March 06, 2009


I can't take it anymore! I'm dying from from fatigue and stress.

Every single day of the past 2 weeks, i've been coming home at least after 7pm. Then, there will be no dinner so i have to find ways to settle it myself. With whatever little time left, i have to study and do my homework for the next day. Just that is more than enough, my mom still has to shout at the maid for her carelessness/laziness(she chipped a tile in the kitchen and dented the timber floor with a metal pole GG), then yell at me to pack my things into the cupboards, then hear my brother yell at the maid for messing up his stuffs, yell at my mom for buying spicy instant noodles, yell at the neighour in the opposite block at 1am for staring at him when he was yelling at my maid, blast his trance/techno music through the whole night and leave the lights on while i sleep because he's living in a reverse cycle.

I don't have a proper bed and i don't get proper rest.

Somebody, for a moment, be in my shoes.


There's always a balance. When there's wrong, there's right.

When there's 2 super quick and hot tempered people who's mastered the skill of yelling in the house, i just have to be the mild one to balance the shit.
How i wish i can just shout and vent my anger too.

I wish.

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