Saturday, July 03, 2010


The subtle difference in spelling doesn't account for the major difference in meaning.

I don't have anything against anyone or anything, but I'm just wondering, why teenagers love filling up those random quizzes/questions/notes on facebook and then go on to tag their other friends to continue this chain. All the superficial questions like if you prefer your boy/girlfriends to have short/long hair, or if you wanted a smart/good-looking boy/girlfriends etc.
The trend only seem to kick up loads of dust among the young people, but never the working adults.

Don't you think that if youngsters started dating at a young age, they are just pursuing these kind of superficialities that would make up for the 'love' they thought would suffice to keep the relationship(or i'd rather use fling) going? I know, it's just a stage where everyone goes through. I guess I got over it quite a long time ago, but I always wonder to myself how peers don't know how much they reduce individuals by selecting friends/partners based on such unjustifiable standards. Maybe that's how adults develop a high threshold tolerance level for the naivety of teenagers - because they have been through it and understand how it was like for them.
It just reinforces on my 'old man fetish' again. Like I say, relative term eh the word 'old'. Don't drive to conclusions my dear readers ;)

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