Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A new window

As I blog lesser and lesser, I experience a significant obstacle of trying to express myself properly verbally and through words. There are many thoughts in me, but I can't express them out, not even in words. It kills me sometimes, because that means it's just a web of tangled mess in there.

Within the past months, I feel like I have gone into a whole new realm. I am experiencing things that I have done 3, 4 years back, only this time, with friends my age. Friends I call my own. It's so surreal, that I have actually grown up so much, so fast. The ghost of me leaving the scene, and now it's the present me replacing all these experiences at the very same places that I used to be at.

I wonder if I can manage yet another incredible journey of exceptional loving. The heart craves and it's such a natural feeling. A feeling that doesn't need no commanding, no restraining, a feeling so nurturing and sudden. It's too compelling. How crazy, stupid love can be? How far can we go to maintain the giving and taking?

I am too lucky. The situation requires me to acclimatise myself quite a bit. Everything starts from somewhere, and I see many new windows of opportunity. Man makes life exciting, and not wait for life to become exciting.

It's better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all.

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