Monday, May 31, 2010

叶问 II

“今天的胜负,我不是想证明我们中国的武术比西洋拳更加优胜。 我只是想说,人的地位虽然有高低之分,但是人格不应该有贵贱之别,我很希望,从这一刻开始,我们大家可以学会怎么懂得去互相尊重."

There will always be differences amongst human beings; be it views on religion, personal beliefs, opinions and mindset. The day that we learn to respect these differences, is the day that we will achieve peace, no matter how minuscule it might seem. So what if we have analysed and dissected these differences so that we can point out the flaws in them, what's the benefit we can gain from it? It will only prove that these differences can never be reconciled. That is why we must compromise by respecting that there is the existence of different people, different religions, different mindsets and different beliefs.

We can only study these differences to gain a deeper understanding and to nourish our ignorant selves. It is not for causing conflict by driving the wedge between these differences even deeper.

You learn to forgive someone much more easily when you understand it from their point of view.
Don't say you can't when you haven't tried.
It's the first step that's always the hardest. Use that doggedness in you to take that first step.

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